
Indians form 2nd largest group of international students in US

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The number of international students at colleges and universities in the United States increased by three per cent to 690,923 during the 2009/10 academic year, according to the 'Open Doors' report published annually by the Institute of International Education (IIE).

This represents a record high number of international students in the United States.
This year's growth was primarily driven by a 30 per cent increase in Chinese student enrolment in the United States to a total of nearly 128,000 students, or more than 18 per cent of the total international student population, making China the leading country to send its students here.

Students from India increased by two per cent to a total of nearly 105,000. Indian students represent 15 per cent of all international students in US higher education, the report said.

"The United States continues to host more international students than any other country in the world," said Allan Goodman, President and CEO of the Institute of International Education.

Together, the top three sending countries – China, India and South Korea – comprise nearly half (44 per cent) of the total international enrolments in US higher education.
Canada, Taiwan and Japan each represent close to four per cent of the total international student population, with these top six places of origin comprising 56 per cent.

The report noted that students from India increased by two per cent which was a lower rate than in previous years; however, they remain the second largest international group, with tens of thousands more students from India in US higher education than from any other country, except China.

Among the other leading places of origin, the most notable decline was seen in students from Japan, with a 15 per cent decline following a 14 per cent drop the previous year; Japan is at number 6 this year.

The number of students from Mexico decreased by nine per cent, those from Indonesia was down by 7.5 per cent, and Kenyan students' decline was eight per cent.

There was a decline of five per cent or less in the number of students from the other leading senders: South Korea, Canada, Taiwan, Nepal, Germany, Thailand, Hong Kong, Colombia, Pakistan and RussiaNepal's three per cent decline in enrolment reverses the large increases of recent years, most recently 30 per cent in 2008/09.

According to Open Doors 2010, universities in California hosted the largest number of foreign students with 94,279, up one per cent, followed by New York with 76,146, up two per cent, and Texas with 58,934 up one per cent.

The New York City metropolitan area continues to be the leading city for international students, with 60,791 enrolled in area schools, up 2.5 per cent.The Los Angeles metropolitan area is in second place with 42,103 international students, down two per cent.

The study was compiled from 700 US campuses responding to a joint survey conducted by eight leading higher education associations.The report said that Indian students studied in the US at the graduate level in 2009-10, and the top three fields of study for them were engineering, math and computer science, and business and management.
Sixty-one per cent (408) of all responding institutions have taken special steps to ensure that the number of international students on their campuses does not decline.
Institutions that have devoted more resources for international student recruitment trips seem to have concentrated mainly on Asia, with China by far the most popular recruitment destination, according to the report.

"Internationalisation is currently a top priority for American higher education," said Molly Corbett Broad, American Council on Education President

Published 15 November 2010, 08:14 IST

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