
Today's letters

Last Updated : 05 January 2013, 14:36 IST

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Don't name the Delhi rape victim


The young girl who lost her life due to the brutality of six men deserves to rest in peace. Her death has created a deep anger, awareness and a demand for justice. Her name should not be dragged into open and made a subject of discussion in various media sources.

One should also think of her traumatised family members and her friend who will bear the scars for life. They need to be kept away from prying eyes and not made objects of sympathy and curiosity, which is bound to happen if her name is made public.

Sahana Prasad

Be patient with Direct Cash Transfer Scheme


This is with reference to “Aadhar travails dog direct cash transfer scheme” (DH, January 2). The much-touted direct cash transfer (DCT) scheme has finally taken off, with 20 districts in six states and three Union Territories being brought under its ambit in the first phase. It takes time for the successful implementation of any scheme scheme. So, let us be patient with them. But the authorities concerned should expedite the task of enrollment of beneficiaries under Aadhaar on a war footing.

B H Shanmukhappa

Published 05 January 2013, 14:36 IST

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