
Strike hits transport services in Punjab, Haryana, Chandigarh

Last Updated : 07 September 2010, 06:13 IST

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Despite issuing strict warning to enforce ''No Work No Pay'' by authorities against the strike, many employees affiliated to trade unions like CITU and AITUC, abstained from their duties.
Transport department here has suspended inter-state bus services as its employees are observing strike.

"About 50 per cent of buses are not plying on roads. There has been a suspension of inter-state bus services," UT Transport, Director, ML Sharma told PTI here.

Bus services were also affected with only 40 per cent of total fleet of buses plied on the road in Punjab.

Though Haryana transport department claimed the bus services were normal, Haryana roadways Workers Union said that 90 per cent of buses remained off road due to strike.
"3000 buses out of total fleet of 3200 buses are not plying," Union President, Baldev Ghanghas said.

The strike also cast its shadow on banking service with employees in several public sector banks remaining on strike.

"Employees in all the public sector banks except State Bank of India are on strike," said Naresh Gaur, president Punjab Bank Employees Federation.

UT Administration has already threatened to invoke ESMA and enforce "No Work No Pay" in the wake of the strike.

The strike received a lukewarm response in Punjab industry as workers reported to their duties.

Members of several trade unions also held protest rallies at several places in Punjab in support of the one-day nationwide bandh.

Published 07 September 2010, 06:13 IST

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