
DGCA says no info on how Jamnagar airfield got international airport status

From February 25 to March 5, the domestic airport in Jamnagar was upgraded to handle the international flight with reports stating that the Indian Air Force stepped in to handle air activities, which saw a sudden uptick from an average of five domestic planes to a maximum of 70 flights on March 1.
Last Updated : 19 May 2024, 23:41 IST
Last Updated : 19 May 2024, 23:41 IST

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Bengaluru: The office of the Director General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) has said that it has no information with regards to the rules and provisions adopted to upgrade the domestic airport in Gujarat's Jamnagar to international airport for 10 days during an event of Mukesh Ambani family.

From February 25 to March 5, the domestic airport in Jamnagar was upgraded to handle the international flight with reports stating that the Indian Air Force stepped in to handle air activities, which saw a sudden uptick from an average of five domestic planes to a maximum of 70 flights on March 1.

Activist T Narasimha Murthy had sought information under the Right to Information (RTI) Act to understand the basis on which the DGCA upgraded the airport to facilitate the arrival of the guests for the pre-wedding ceremony of Mukesh Ambani's son.

The Chief Public Relations Officer, DGCA said there was no information to give. "In regard to the information sought, it is informed that no such information is available with the CPIO," it said.

Murthy told DH that the DGCA's response raises a lot of concerns. "Citizens have a right to know how an airport, which is primarily a military airfield near the border with Pakistan, was given such a status. Do all citizens of India get similar special permissions for their family affairs? I will appeal against the DGCA's response," he said.

Apart from the provision of law, rules or regulations adopted for the upgradation, Murthy requested for a copy of the no objection certificate (NOC) granted by different departments concerned and the cost incurred towards the changes made to the airport which had limited resources.

Published 19 May 2024, 23:41 IST

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