Australia to send top cops to Delhi for CWG
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According to a report in 'Herald Sun' today, it has been learnt that about 15 Australian Federal Police officers will provide a high-level security cordon in Delhi - though unarmed - after Sunday's tourist shooting.

The report qouted sources as saying that Government was concerned about athletes' families and fans and were asking them to register on a travellers' website smartraveller. and take out travel insurance.

It also said that the Australian government was also preparing contingency plans to evacuate Australians struck down by dengue fever, a terrorist attack or caught in a monsoon.

The report said Australian High Commission in Delhi had already warned Canberra several weeks ago of concerns over the state of the main stadium and other key facilities.

In response to inquiries, the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade said, "Our High Commission in New Delhi is in daily contact with (DFAT) in Canberra on all aspects of the Commonwealth Games preparations including on issues relating to security and safety.

DFAT is providing daily updates to its travel advisory service for Delhi with the risk currently at mid-level. But that could be upgraded as the games draw nearer.
Sandy Gordon, an expert in Indian politics and security at the Australian National University, said there might be a danger that to protect its trade ties between India, Australia may downgraded the security fears of its athletes.

But Sports Minister Mark Arbib said Government is solely concerned about protecting Australian athletes and officials - rather than boosting its economic relationship with India.

"There is no tightrope for us. The No. 1 priority for the Australian Government is the safety and security of our athletes and supporters," Arbib said.
Opposition Leader Tony Abbott said he hoped the games would go ahead and Australia would be there.

"If there were big pull-outs from these Games, it would appear to give terrorism a win," he said.

Several athletes have pulled out of the Commonwealth Games, including Olympic sprinter Usian Bolt. Austalians Dani Samuels and Britain's Phillips Idowu also skipped the event citing security reasons.

(Published 23 September 2010, 13:29 IST)