Gift of charity
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Charity does begin at home for Divya and Ritu Jhaveri. The sisters own a giftshop in Chennai, whose entire profits are earmarked for educating underprivileged girls. WFS
Charity does begin at home for Divya and Ritu Jhaveri. The sisters own a giftshop in Chennai, whose entire profits are earmarked for educating underprivileged girls. WFS

Charity does begin at home for Divya and Ritu Jhaveri. The sisters own a giftshop in Chennai, whose entire profits are earmarked for educating underprivileged girls, writes Kirthi Jayakumar

The store is warm and welcoming, the decor provides a muted backdrop for the artistically-crafted pieces on display. An array of clocks, boxes, candle holders, gift bags, ornate dust-bins, table mats, elegant curios and mirrors stare back at me from the display shelves.

There is an air of calm about this space that is refreshing. The brainchild of two sisters, Divya and Ritu Jhaveri, the studio in Chennai is an initiative that produces and sells handmade corporate gifts and curios. 

But it is not your average enterprise looking to maximise profits. Here the entire sales proceeds go towards the education of girls. States Divya, flatly, “We have had absolutely no issues sticking to this decision we made.

On the contrary, when a few people mentioned that we should keep a part of the profit for ourselves, both of us responded with a firm refusal because we believe that it is precisely this approach of earmarking 100 per cent of the profits for our cause that has been our biggest motivating force.”

She explains, “Working hard and then using all the money for someone else’s advancement - nothing can explain that feeling! It is something to be experienced.”

Life has been kind and Divya realised that she was fortunate enough to enjoy a comfortable lifestyle without actually working hard for it.

“Earlier, I used to buy new clothes, bags and jewellery for myself with all the revenue the store generated. But after a point, the material wealth began to weigh on me, and that’s when I took a break from everything around me,” she recalls. 

The turning point came about three years ago. Divya reveals, “I went to Rikhia, where I was at an ashram that worked along with a yoga ashram in Munger, Bihar. I met my guru, Swami Satsangi, there, and listened to some of her discourses on selfless service.

I witnessed the people of the ashram work tirelessly, round the clock, just to be able to provide their neighbours – ordinary villagers – with food, shelter, clothing and education. They don’t live for themselves, but for others. What attracted me first and foremost was to see a woman leading an ashram.”

Divya’s period of exploration got her to start Wild Rose and to streamline all her work towards financially supporting the education of girls. 

“The education and values which the children of the ashram are blessed with, makes me question our pattern of education. The young girls and boys of Rikhia walk with their head held high, converse in English like any one of us and are confident. There is no concept of ‘leadership courses’ or ‘public speaking’ classes as there is in our city schools. While we barely knew our mother tongues as well as we know English, the young children of Rikhia chant Sanskrit verses at such great speed that if we try to keep up it would literally twist our tongue,” she says with a smile.

Currently, Ritu, Divya’s younger sister, has joined her as a crusader for the cause. The two of them have been working hard at the store and have now identified a young girl whose education they wish to support. 

“We have found one very brilliant girl and are in midst of getting her details from Assam. Having finished her graduation, she now wants to do a course in teachers’ training. Right now, we are waiting to take a look at her marksheets and then we will go ahead with the fee structure details of the course she wants to pursue. Like we said, we will use the money for hard working, deserving girls like her, who want to study further.”

Working hard to support the aspirations of girls, Divya and Ritu hold a lot of promise for the future through their touching and far-sighted ways. From being an inspiration to many of their contemporaries to becoming the source of a brighter future for the girls whose lives they will revolutionise, these sisters are creating ripples in a sort of sisterhood that unites all women. 

(Published 30 May 2014, 20:48 IST)