Give your rose Garlic Bread!
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Give your rose Garlic Bread!
Give your rose Garlic Bread!

We can return this favour by not using chemicals to kill the pests that attack this lovely flower. The most horrifying and dangerous chemicals are used on this flower which are related to cancer, asthma, skin diseases and many other problems.

The best medicines for keeping the rose safe, are bright hot sunshine, and growing African marigolds around them.

We all love garlic  bread, especially with pizza! But for the rose, growing garlic around it is the best body guard against pests! A rose should also become a librarian during the flower show, to remind us  to read an important book called Roses Love Garlic Secrets of Companion Planting by Louise Riotte.

This marvelous book tells us all about the wonderful magic of plants that on their own deal with pests and diseases ailing them, without the aid of harmful chemicals. If you love roses, you will love this book.

A rose sleep pillow: you can make this lovely gift for a friend using dried rose petals, powdered cloves and powdered mint leaves. To each pint (570 ml) of these dry petals, add 25 g. cloves and two tablespoons mint.

Mix them well and make a small pillow case of your choice with muslin and fill it up with this rosy, minty, clove laden mix. Then place this inside a more decorative pillow case. In the morning keep the pillow inside a plastic bag so that the scent remains fresh inside it.

Ros linen bags: for each pint (570) ml of dried rose petals, add 25 g. powdered cloves, and 25 g. of powdered mace. Mix them well. Make little pillow-shaped muslin bags, use a double thickness of material to keep the mix safe and fill each one with the petal mixture. Stitch the end or let your mother or aunt do it for you. Lay these among the linen in cupboards and drawers.

Rose vinegar for a bed-ridden sick friend or granny: This refreshing gift can be poured on a tissue and used as a cleaning pad and is very refreshing. It also makes a lovely perfume.

Take a preserving jar, fill it halfway with rose petals and top it up with white wine vinegar. Cover it and make it stand in the sun, on a windowsill, until it has got 24 hours of sunshine. Then strain the liquid off into small bottles. Rose vinegar will stay for many months, and remember to use highly scented roses for all these recipes!

(Published 20 January 2011, 15:48 IST)