Indulging yourself
Last Updated IST
Sacrifices and compromises will be there. But you have to squeeze out some time for yourself. Even if it means asking for it, says Dorothy Victor
Sacrifices and compromises will be there. But you have to squeeze out some time for yourself. Even if it means asking for it, says Dorothy Victor

Sacrifices and compromises will be there. But you have to squeeze out some time for yourself. Even if it means asking for it, says Dorothy Victor

The lace that was meant to be dropped at the designer’s gets lost in the wardrobe. The crispy potato recipe spotted online has not found the light of day. Neither has the soon-to-expire complimentary pass to a candle-lit dinner for two that came with the Diwali lucky draw. Could you connect with any of these scenarios? Probably, because these are all familiar situations for the woman of the millennium.

Between a job, home, spouse, children, in-laws, neighbours, aging parents, extended families and social obligations, the list looming large at the dawn of her day can be overwhelming and energy-sapping. Most of all, squeezing out some time at her disposal to indulge in some pampering and fussing over herself becomes next to impossible.

But, don’t start getting worked up. Allotting some time for personal pampering is still possible with all these errands hovering over your head. Culling out some incredible tips and advice from experts, I have managed to garner five simple, yet proven ways in which every woman can pamper herself every day to generate that extra energy, extra zest and extra life. All this pampering will empower and prop up the spirits of all that the women of today, from soccer moms to super career women, have made of themselves.

Caress the morning dew

The buzz of the alarm and then the sprint from the bed is what wakes the harried and harassed woman of today out of her weary sleep. The stress has already begun even before the dawn can dispel the dark night. Soaking up some of the colours of the first rays of the eastern sky and the fresh dew of the misty morning will splash that extra energy needed to start the day on a chirpy note.

A couple of minutes by the lawn, the kitchen patch or the balcony, caressing the icy and slippery dew will spill some magic on to you from the abounding nature around.  Get pampered to some freshness from the bounty of the rising sun, the beauty of the blooming flowers and the newness of the day. It is the best way to start the day, however busy it might pose to be.

The Walden zone

It is named after Henry David Thoreau’s book Walden, which chronicles the philosopher’s retreat from society. Retiring to the Walden zone for some deep breathing to energise the lungs, quick palming to refresh the eyes and calm meditation to quieten the mind, for a few precious moments in a day will leave you with that feeling of being pampered. The designated space could be the bean bag, a corner in the balcony or even your study. The focus is on eliminating all distractions. Keep away your cell phones and leash your pet. Refocus on only one thing - You.

Chords and bars

Want a quick pampering session at no extra cost? Put on your headphones or just sit by your MP3 player. Search for your favourite genre. Maybe Jazz, Indie-Pop or Soul. Whatever floats your boat. Turn up the volume and lose yourself in the intoxicating effects of music that will leave you feeling spirited and high. Listening to good music can regenerate depleted energy and bring to life all the cells in the body and brain, dead from exhaustion. 

Turn the page

Feel the urge to run away to a faraway land? To watch the Aurora Borealis or visit the Grand Canyon or to walk along a tree-lined boulevard? Pamper yourself every day to the joys of wondering lazily and meeting people or going to new places. Return to the habit of reading, for however short periods that might last. 

Pick up an old favourite, try a new author, or an interesting magazine. Enjoy the thrills and the fun of reading, for life is a matter of thrills. Skim or scan some pages, browse through the colourful sheets and get lost in the wonder and witchery of words and pictures. Pamper yourself to an instant vacation, it will leave you feeling rejuvenated.

Demand to be pampered

John Lennon, of The Beatles fame, once sang: Woman I can hardly express, My mixed emotion at my thoughtlessness, After all I'm forever in your debt…For showing me the meaning of success. These words by one of the world’s greatest singers the world saw cannot be any more relevant to the twenty-first century women.

Often times, spouses and children not only fail to acknowledge and appreciate her daily assiduous efforts in giving of

herself to the family, but seldom do they indulge her in pampering of any kind. But then, why should this prevent a woman from demanding her rights? “Ask for more love from your sweetheart and for more co-operation from your team-mates,” advises motivational speaker and author Robin Sharma. “Do it, I dare you,” he challenges.

So ladies, ask to be pampered a bit every day. As it is said: Seek and ye shall find. Get your spouse to brew you a cuppa one morning and your kids to toss a sizzling cheese omelette one night. Ask your in-laws for more appreciation and your bosses for more recognition. Demand a rose, a hug, a pat and a kind word from those for whom you toil arduously through the day. Yes, I dare you to do it.

(Published 06 February 2015, 23:02 IST)