M'lore opening up for quality cinema
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M'lore opening up for quality cinema
M'lore opening up for quality cinema


“There is lack of public space for a meaningful discourse on films. ‘Ellipsis’ is an initiative by St Aloysius College Mass Communication department and is named after an editing technique. Its main aim is to show meaningful cinema and hence cultivate good audience,” informed St Aloysius College Mass Communication Department Head Rev Dr Richard Rego speaking to City Herald.

The 1970s is called the golden age of Kannada cinema with several winning the ‘Swarna Kamal’. Film societies such as Suchitra, Adarsh and others that came up in Bangalore can be one contributing factor as it introduced budding directors to international cinema and genres like new wave cinema. “With Ellipsis, we are trying to motivate students and short filmmakers to come up with quality cinema,” says Fr Rego.

Ellipsis which was started on August 27 this year has public screenings every second and fourth Saturday of the month at the college premises. Organising film festivals, seminars and discussions on films for adults and children are some of the ongoing plans. The details of the movies will be updated on, he informs.

Sahamatha Film Society
Started in October 2009, Sahamatha Film Society has gained popularity with its monthly screenings.
“We have a very good response as film enthusiasts participate in a large number. Deputy Commissioner V Ponnuraj is also a member of our film society,” says Sahamatha Film Society Secretary Ivan D’Silva.
“Educating people on cultures of the world and enhancing cultural harmony is the main aim of Sahamatha,” he opines.
Ivan D’Silva who is also the District Coordinator of ‘Belli Shakshi’ affiliated to Karnataka Chalanachitra Academy, says that the Academy is promoting film clubs in school and college levels.
Government Junior College in Bokkapatna, Government First Grade College in Balmatta, Alva’s Degree College Moodbidri, Govind Das College and Mahesh PU College are some places where film clubs have been set up and there are plans to start such clubs in 5 more educational institutions, he informs. “We are trying to instill a taste of quality cinema among the new generation so that they can think, analyze and critically appreciate this genre,” he opines.

Karavali Film Society
Karavali Film Society came to life on November 24, 2009. The association affiliated Karnataka Chalanachitra Academy holds screenings whenever possible.
“We hold discussions and invite experts from the field of cinema. We don’t have an exact day or venue but whenever we hold a screening, we inform by giving press releases to the media,” says Karavali Film Society President Nanada Pais. “We have plans to hold screenings at a regular rate at Bharathiya Vidhya Bhavan,” she informs.
“Good films can be produced but there is a lack of audience who will appreciate such kind of films. People are very fond of commercial films and are neglecting art and new wave genres,” opined veteran film maker Sadananda Suvarna. One of the first film societies in Mangalore called Mangala had to be discontinued due to the lack of audience and encouragement, he informed.
“The increase of film clubs is a very good sign as people can get exposed to good films and also get a chance to view international cinema and hence help to spread the taste of quality cinema,” he opined.

(Published 24 September 2010, 20:39 IST)