Best Clomid PCT 2024: Clomid For Bodybuilding & Guide To Post Cycle Therapy Supplements
Last Updated IST

SARMs that affect androgens work by copying what testosterone does in the bones and muscles. They only target androgen receptors in certain places, making the androgenic effects stronger but not changing the testosterone levels.

But the body thinks that these signals mean that there is too much testosterone, so it starts to make less of it to balance things out. This means that the testosterone levels go down as people use SARMs for a cycle.

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These are the SARMs that act on the androgen receptor:

LGD-4033 Ligandrol

RAD-140 Testolone

MK-2866 Ostarine

S-4 Andarine


So, if people take any of these SARMs, they don’t need PCT because they won’t stop making their own SARMs.

Ostarine does affect the androgen receptor, so people should not listen to those who say it is not androgenic. But it is very weak, and if users take about 30 mg or more per day, they won’t see a big drop in level unless they take very high doses.

On the other hand, these are the substances that are called SARMs but they don’t have any androgenic activity at all:

GW-501516 Cardarine

MK-677 Ibutamoren

YK-11 Myostatin

SR-9009 Stenabolic

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So, people can use them whenever they want, and they won’t affect the testosterone in their body. But YK-11, a myostatin blocker, works like an anabolic steroid. It can cause anabolic side effects in some people, and they might need a PCT supplement if they take it.

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How Does Clomid Work?

Clomid is a type of SERM, which stands for Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator. It does the opposite of SARMs, which are selective androgen receptor modulators. So, instead of affecting the androgen receptors, Clomid changes the estrogen receptors. It makes the body think it has estrogen but also stops estrogen from working on the receptors.

Clomid blocks estrogen receptors in the pituitary gland, where it does its job.

When estrogen binds to the receptors on the pituitary gland, it lowers the production of luteinizing hormone (LH) or follicle stimulating hormone (FSH). Both are needed to make testosterone in the testicles.

By stopping these receptors, estrogen can’t lower the levels of these two important hormones.

Clomid is stronger than other SERMs because it also makes more of these hormones. So, people won’t just keep their levels normal, they will also make them faster than usual.

That’s why some men use Clomid during their cycles. It can stop estrogen problems and also make them stronger, bigger, and faster.

Clomid Advantages for Bodybuilders

Clomid is a supplement that bodybuilders use after a cycle of SARMs to help their body recover. Clomid has these benefits for bodybuilders:

●     It makes the body produce more testosterone

●     It boosts the mood and motivation

●     It increases the aggression and determination

●     It prevents the growth of breast tissue in men

●     It blocks the effects of androgenic SARMs

●     It helps build more lean muscle mass

These benefits are not all because of Clomid itself. Some of them are because of the higher testosterone levels that Clomid helps to achieve. Some people even take Clomid during their cycle to get more testosterone and better results.

But this is not a good idea. Mixing SARMs and steroids can mess up the natural balance of hormones in the body. This can lead to permanent or semi-permanent changes that are not normal.

Clomid is a very good selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM). This means that it can help bodybuilders get back to normal testosterone levels or even higher after a cycle of SARMs. This is one of the reasons why bodybuilders use Clomid.

Clomid PCT Dosage Guide & Cycle Length

Bodybuilders should start taking Clomid when they notice any of these signs that their testosterone levels are dropping:

●     They stop gaining muscle and strength

●     They lose fat slower

●     They feel less energetic and enthusiastic

●     They feel tired and depressed

●     They feel more emotional and sad

●     They have changes in the tissue around their nipples They should stop their SARMs cycle as soon as they see some of these signs. Some people choose to start PCT right away, while others choose to finish their cycle and ignore the signs for a while.

At least, they should lower their SARMs dose by half and wait for a week or so between cycles.

But if they feel any of the signs, they should stop right away. Start a PCT and check their hormone levels regularly.

They should take their first dose of Clomid in the morning. For mild drops in testosterone, they should take 50 mg. For severe drops, they should take 100 mg every day.

Some people choose to split their dose, taking half in the morning and half in the evening. It is up to them to decide, but splitting the dose might make them feel better overall. It also might make them forget to take it.

They should see some improvement after a few weeks, and by the end of four weeks, they should be back to normal. But sometimes, they need to continue PCT for two months to fully restore their natural testosterone levels.

After two weeks, they should cut their dose by half, and then after four weeks, they should cut it by another half. Or, after the first four weeks, they might switch to a lower dose of Nolvadex, about 25 mg per day at first.

Is Clomid Good for Using During a Cycle?

Some people use Clomid or Nolvadex when they are on a cycle. They think that it can balance the effects of low testosterone and also fight the effects of estrogen by attaching to estrogen receptors. But, they are making a push and pull with the hormones and also stressing their bodies.

If they feel signs of low energy, they should either lower their dose a lot or stop completely. They can always use Ostarine after the cycle to protect their gains.

Can Clomid Help People Build Muscle and Strength?

Clomid is sometimes used during a cycle because it can raise testosterone levels. This can lead to more muscle mass, strength, and motivation. But, because of the problems with testosterone loss and increase happening at the same time, this can cause anger and have a big impact on how users feel and act.

Since they are using SARMs to build muscle and strength, they should use Clomid for PCT. By using one drug for one thing and another for the other, users will have less problems and long-term effects.

Clomid Side Effects and Warnings

Clomid is a very powerful drug that you are taking for a purpose that it was not made for.

These are the things to be aware of and watch out for when using Clomid:

Long-term use can damage bone density: Even though testosterone helps bone density, a recent study in men found that long-term use sped up bone loss levels in older men.

Clomid does cause water retention: This means that users will gain water weight and feel bloated. This is normal and will go away in a few weeks.

Because testosterone production in the testes is so high, it can cause pain after weeks of low activity. This pain can happen in the testicles, in the reproductive system, or as a general stomach ache, making users think they are sick.

One of the more common short-term side effects at high doses is vision problems. This usually goes away in a few days after stopping, unless people have been taking doses of more than 100 mg a day for weeks.

How Can People Buy Clomid Online?

SARMs, peptides, nootropics, and anything else off-label are getting harder to get.

This is because of China’s ban on making many of these compounds and Russia’s conflict with Ukraine, both of which are former producers of many of these compounds.

Swiss Chems is one company that still sells them reliably. They are based in the USA and offer fast delivery and worldwide shipping options.

All at reasonable prices, with at least a month’s supply in most cases, and in an easy-to-take pill form. Swiss Chems also sells SARMs in pill form, making them a great source for both.

In this complete Clomid PCT guide, you will learn everything you need to know to use it to successfully recover your testosterone levels. Many reviews out there skip over exactly how it works, and how it is different from Nolvadex. It is important to understand that, so you can make a good choice on which is best for your situation.

I will also explain that some SARMs do not need the use of PCT supplements at all, and what I tell you might surprise you.

Together, this is everything you need to know about Clomid, how to use it (including cycle length and dosage), side effects and warnings, and where you can buy Clomid to use as a bodybuilding PCT.

Which SARMs Need PCT Supplements

Some SARMs need PCT supplements, but not all of them. This is because some SARMs act like testosterone in the muscles and bones, but others do not.

SARMs that act like testosterone are called androgenic SARMs. They turn on the androgen receptors in the muscles and bones, making them stronger and bigger, but without increasing the testosterone levels.

But the body thinks that you have too much testosterone, so it makes less of its own. This means that your testosterone levels go down as you use these SARMs.

These are the SARMs that are androgenic:

RAD-140 Testolone

LGD-4033 Ligandrol

S-4 Andarine

MK-2866 Ostarine


So if you use any of these SARMs, you need PCT, because you want to restore your natural testosterone.

Ostarine is also androgenic, but very mild. You may not need PCT if you use low doses of around 30 mg or less per day.

On the other hand, these are the chemicals that are sometimes called SARMs, but they are not androgenic at all:

GW-501516 Cardarine

YK-11 Myostatin

MK-677 Ibutamoren

SR-9009 Stenabolic

So you can use these chemicals without worrying about your testosterone. However, YK-11 is a myostatin inhibitor that works like a steroid, and it may cause some side effects. You may need PCT if you use it.

How Clomid Works

Clomid is a type of SERM, which means it affects the estrogen receptors. It does the opposite of SARMs, which affect the androgen receptors. So instead of acting like testosterone, Clomid acts like estrogen and blocks the estrogen activity on the receptors.

Clomid works mainly in the pituitary gland, where it blocks the estrogen receptors there.

Estrogen makes the pituitary gland produce less of two hormones called FSH and LH. These hormones tell the testes to make more testosterone.

So by blocking these receptors, Clomid stops estrogen from lowering FSH and LH levels.

But Clomid is stronger than a normal SERM, because it also makes the pituitary gland produce more FSH and LH. This means that you don’t just keep your testosterone levels, you can also increase them above normal.

That’s why some guys use Clomid while using SARMs. It not only prevents estrogen problems, but it can also boost muscle growth, strength, and endurance.

Clomid Advantages For Muscle Builders

Clomid is a supplement that you can use after a cycle of SARMs or steroids to help your body recover. It has these benefits for muscle builders:

●     Boosts the production of testosterone

●     Makes you more aggressive and motivated

●     Enhances your mood and attitude

●     Prevents problems with breast tissue growth

●     Blocks the effects of androgenic sarms

●     Helps you gain more lean muscle mass

Some of these benefits are not because of Clomid itself, but because of the higher testosterone levels. This can help you get back to normal levels, or even go beyond them. You could get stronger, more determined, and more muscular.

Some people use Clomid during the cycle to increase testosterone levels and get bigger results.

But, I think that is risky. You are changing your androgen levels in a way that could cause long-term or permanent problems.

For me, the best thing about using Clomid as a muscle builder is that it is a very strong SERM that can restore your natural testosterone levels, or even higher, after a SARMs cycle.

Clomid Vs Nolvadex

There is a lot of discussion online and offline about Clomid and Nolvadex. They are both SERMs, but they have some differences. Here are three main ones:

Clomid is more aggressive. It can raise your testosterone levels faster. But it can also cause more serious side effects in the short, medium, and long term. Nolvadex is milder. It binds to the estrogen receptors and stops them from working. But it does it more gently, and it does not increase the levels of FH and FSH. So it can help you get back to normal production levels, but not beyond them.

Even though they are taken in similar doses, Nolvadex is weaker than Clomid. You would have to take twice as much Nolvadex to get the same effects as half the dose of Clomid, and you still would not get higher FH and FSH levels.

How To Use Clomid For PCT After SARMs Cycle

Clomid is a drug that can help you recover your natural testosterone levels after using SARMs. Testosterone is a hormone that is important for your muscle growth, fat loss, energy, mood.

When you use SARMs, your body may stop making enough testosterone. This can cause some problems, such as:

●     Losing muscle and strength

●     Gaining fat

●     Feeling less motivated and happy

●     Having low energy and stamina

●     Being sad and depressed

●     Feeling tired and sleepy

●     Having changes in your chest area

You should start taking Clomid as soon as you notice any of these signs. Don’t wait until the end of your SARMs cycle. Some people keep using SARMs and ignore the signs, and some people take Clomid while using SARMs.

But I suggest that you stop using SARMs right away when you feel the signs. Start your PCT, and be careful with your hormone levels.

You should take Clomid in the morning. If you have mild signs of low testosterone, take 50 mg. If you have severe signs of low testosterone, take 100 mg per day.

Some people split the dose and take half in the morning and half in the afternoon. It’s up to you, but splitting the dose may make it easier for you, and you may not forget to take it.

You should see some improvement after two weeks, and you should feel normal after four weeks. But sometimes you have to do PCT for two months to fully restore your natural testosterone levels (it depends on how strong the SARMs you used were).

After two weeks, reduce your dose by half, and after four weeks, reduce it by half again. Or, after four weeks, switch to a lower dose of Nolvadex (25 mg per day is a good starting point).

Why You Should Not Use Clomid During SARMs Cycle?

Some people use Clomid or Nolvadex during their SARMs cycle. They think that it can prevent the effects of low testosterone and high estrogen by blocking the estrogen receptors. But this can cause more stress on your body when you are working out.

I think that if you feel the signs of low testosterone, you should at least lower your SARMs dose a lot; or I recommend that you stop and do PCT fully. You can always use Ostarine after your cycle to keep your muscle gains as well.

Can Clomid Help You Build Muscle And Strength?

Some people use Clomid on their cycle because it can increase your testosterone levels. This can lead to more muscle gains, strength, and determination. But this can also lead to more aggression, and it can affect how you feel and act because of the conflict between low testosterone and high testosterone.

You are using SARMs to build muscle and strength, so use Clomid for PCT. Use one drug for one purpose and another drug for another purpose, then you have less chance of problems and long-term damage.

Clomid Risks & Cautions

Clomid is not a simple drug. It is a powerful chemical that you are using for purposes that it was not made for.

These are the problems that you need to be careful of and know about, with Clomid use:

Using it for a long time may make your bones weaker. Even though testosterone makes your bones stronger, one study in men a few years ago showed that using Clomid for a long time seemed to make osteoporosis worse in older men.

Clomid makes you hold more water. So you will have extra weight and swelling. This is normal and it should go away in a couple of weeks.

Because testosterone production in the testes is increased a lot, after weeks of low activity, it can cause pain. This pain can happen in the testicles, through the reproductive tract, and can even feel like a more general stomach pain that can make you think you are sick.

At higher doses, one of the most common short-term risks is problems with your vision. Unless you’re taking doses over 100 mg per day for weeks, then this usually goes away within a few days of stopping.

Natural Option Instead Of Clomid

If you’re really lowering your testosterone levels then you need Clomid. Don’t try to avoid that, you will harm yourself in the long run.

If you don’t want to use Clomid, you can use Nolvadex. Use higher doses to try and recover big drops, or for more moderate use of SARMs, Nolvadex will be fine.

But, for moderate drops, you could find that you don’t need Nolvadex or Clomid at all. There are some strong natural options out there that can definitely raise your testosterone levels by around 10%.

Rebirth PCT is one of those supplements I will mention here. I have experience with this one, so I’m sure of its effects.

It has several natural ingredients that boost testosterone and one ingredient that works as a natural blocker of estrogen. Combining those benefits, it can definitely help to stop the effects of estrogen and gently increase your testosterone levels as well.

It’s easy to use, just like Nolvadex or Clomid. You take the same number of pills every day, for the time you need to. Easy, and uses completely natural ingredients to get the results.

Where Can I Buy Clomid Online?

It’s getting harder to find SARMs, peptides, nootropics, in fact, anything off-label.

This is because of the Chinese ban on making many of these chemicals and the Russian war against Ukraine, with both of those countries being former makers of many of these chemicals.

One company that is still reliable in selling them is Swiss Chems. Based in the USA, they offer fast delivery there and worldwide shipping options as well.

Right now, you can get the generic versions of Nolvadex and Clomid for very good prices, along with a couple of other well-known PCT supplement choices:

●     Clomid (clomiphene) – 60 capsules, each with 25 mg @ $69.95

●     Nolvadex (Tamoxifen) – 60 capsules, each with 20 mg @ $80

●     Raloxifene – 60 capsules, each with 20 mg @$85.95

●     Anastrozole – 60 capsules, each with 0.5 mg @$63.95

So, all at good prices, with at least a month’s supply in most cases 

(Published 13 December 2023, 14:27 IST)