Best Memory Supplement Updated: All-natural ingredients with no side effects
Karan Raj M
Last Updated IST

The brain is the boss of the body. It controls everything we do with the help of brain chemicals.

We have chosen these three nootropic supplements for you:

Vyvamind: best for making your memory stronger Noocube: good for connecting your eyes and brain Nooceptin: lasts for a long time We still don’t know much about the brain, but we know enough to help people with brain problems. The brain has many cells called neurons that talk to each other. They send messages to different parts of the body through hormones.


Best Memory Supplement

1#. Noocube: Click Here To Buy (Official Website) 

2#. Brain Pill: Click Here To Buy (Official Website) 

3#. Mind Vitality: Click Here To Buy (Official Website)

Some doctors can change brain chemicals with drugs that affect neurotransmitters like dopamine, serotonin, GABA, etc.

But these drugs can have bad side effects like gaining weight, messing up hormones, and causing other diseases.

That’s why people don’t like chemical drugs. Luckily, there are natural nootropic supplements that can make your brain work better.

Memory is very important for our daily life. It helps us do our tasks, think critically, and relate things. It depends on how well we can remember and keep things in our mind.

You can make your memory sharper by taking nootropic supplements that you can buy online. We will tell you about the three best nootropic supplements that are made from natural ingredients. They don’t have any bad side effects.

These are the nootropic supplements we recommend:

Vyvamind: best for making your memory stronger Noocube: good for connecting your eyes and brain Nooceptin: lasts for a long time


Vyvamind is our favorite nootropic supplement. It is made by a trusted American company called SAP Nutra. They make sure the product is good and safe.

The product is also tested by other people before it is sold. It is made in America in places that follow the rules of the FDA.

The best thing about Vyvamind is that it works fast to improve your memory, give your brain more energy, and clear your mind. It can also help people with ADHD without causing side effects.

How Vyvamind helps you

You can pay attention better: by taking the supplement regularly, you can be more alert and focused for a long time.

You can remember things better: by taking the supplement, your mind will be clear and your memory will be quick.

You can think faster: by taking the supplement, your brain will be more flexible. This means you can solve problems and process information faster.

How Vyvamind works

The makers of the supplement have chosen some of the best natural brain boosters to make the supplement. All the ingredients are tested and bought from the best source.

The amount of each ingredient of the supplement is carefully measured in the right scientific ratio for mixing so that the combined positive effects would be the strongest.

The ingredients of Vyvamind

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B6






The supplement has a moderate amount of caffeine. The form of caffeine is different from the normal form that we often take. The caffeine is made into powder by removing water from it. This form of caffeine is much stronger with less negative effects.

But to balance out the bad effects of caffeine, L-Theanine is added which works in cancelling out the effects of caffeine.

Both L-Tyrosine and L-Theanine have positive effects on brain improvement. In fact, the mix of anhydrous caffeine, Theanine, and Tyrosine has a powerful combined effect on improving memory, focus, and concentration.

Citicoline increases the levels of acetylcholine which is an important brain chemical. Scientific studies have shown that citicoline can increase brain energy by 133.6%.

The ingredients like citicoline, theanine, and tyrosine improve memory recall and retention a lot.



Noocube is the product of the famous health supplement maker Wolfson Brands (UK) Limited. The supplement is mainly aimed at improving memory power.

The five positive effects of the supplement are

Lowering stress levels: stress and anxiety are the two problems that are harming the health of modern people all over the world. By taking the supplement it is possible to boost endurance levels against stress and anxiety so that these cannot affect the users physically and mentally causing serious damage. The supplement helps in reducing the hormone cortisol which increases when we get stressed. By reducing cortisol it is possible to lower the feeling of stress and anxiety.

Improving the memory power: the brain booster ingredients of the supplement improve the power of memory recall as well as memory retention. Noocube provides a helpful environment for the brain chemicals to grow and develop.

The brain booster ingredients of the supplement improve the levels of brain chemicals such as serotonin, dopamine, GABA, etc enhancing the brain power.

The supplement also supports and protects the eye-brain connection. It has been seen that long exposure to the blue light of the computer screen causes damage and stress to the eye-brain connection. The ingredient Lutemax 2020, for which the maker was awarded, has been found to support eye-brain connection. Lutemax 2020 has three important eye nutrients Lutein and Zeaxanthins."

Ingredients of Noocube

Noocube is a product that helps your brain work better. It has these ingredients:

●       Huperzia Serrata: a plant that boosts a chemical in your brain called acetylcholine, which helps you learn and remember things.

●       Bacopa monnieri: an herb that improves your memory and thinking skills.

●       Resveratrol: a substance found in grapes and red wine that protects your brain from aging and damage.

●       Lutemax 2020: a blend of two types of carotenoids, which are pigments that give color to fruits and vegetables. They help your eyesight and brain health.

●       Pterostilbene: a compound similar to resveratrol, but more potent and stable. It also protects your brain from aging and damage.

●       Alpha GPC: a source of choline, which is a nutrient that your brain needs to make acetylcholine.

●       L-Theanine: an amino acid found in tea that relaxes you and makes you more alert.

●       L-Tyrosine: another amino acid that helps you cope with stress and stay focused.

●       Vitamin B7: also known as biotin, it helps your body use energy and supports your nervous system.

●       Vitamin B1: also known as thiamine, it helps your brain use glucose, which is its main fuel.

●       Vitamin B12: also known as cobalamin, it helps your brain make new cells and maintain its structure.

●       Oat straw: a part of the oat plant that boosts blood flow to your brain and makes you feel more awake.

●       Cat’s claw: a vine that has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which means it reduces swelling and fights harmful molecules in your brain.

●       Nooceptin: a trademarked name for a blend of nootropics, which are substances that boost brain and cognitive performance.


Nooceptin is another good option for nootropic supplements with similar benefits. The product requires long-term use of at least 4 months to see major changes in how your brain works.

Ingredients of Nooceptin

Nooceptin has these ingredients:

●       Citicoline: a form of choline that helps your brain make phosphatidylcholine, which is a component of your brain cells.

●       Bacopa Monnieri: the same herb as in Noocube, which improves your memory and thinking skills.

●       Rhodiola Rosea: a plant that helps you deal with stress and fatigue, and enhances your mood and creativity.

●       L-theanine: the same amino acid as in Noocube, which relaxes you and makes you more alert.

●       Lion’s mane extract: a mushroom that stimulates the growth of nerve cells and protects them from damage.

●       Ginkgo biloba: a tree that improves blood circulation to your brain and helps you remember things better.

●       Panax Ginseng: a root that boosts your energy and mental performance.

Top Nootropic supplements

These are some of the best nootropic supplements available:

●       Vyvamind: a product that contains caffeine, L-theanine, and other ingredients that increase your alertness and focus.

●       Noocube: the product described above, which has a variety of ingredients that improve your brain function.

●       Nooceptin: the product described above, which has a similar blend of ingredients as Noocube."

(Published 31 January 2024, 17:41 IST)