Fostering Inclusivity: Lakshmi Sreenivasan Talks LGBTQ+ Diversity Training in Corporate Environments
Nethresh R C
Last Updated IST

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) are fundamental to the fabric of multinational corporations and organizations across the global markets. These principles ensure that every employee, regardless of background or ability, feels valued and respected, fostering an environment where they can thrive and contribute effectively.

Diversity refers to the representation of different backgrounds and perspectives within the workforce. Equity ensures fair treatment for all employees, eliminating biases in organizational practices and policies. Inclusion focuses on creating a workplace culture where every individual feels embraced and has the opportunity to succeed based on merit.

Every June, the world celebrates Pride Month with its lively parades, workshops, symposia, and concerts, underscoring the significance of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) for the LGBTQ+ community in corporate settings. Embracing these principles unlocks new avenues for innovation and growth as individuals contribute their distinct experiences and perspectives.


Meet Lakshmi Sreenivasan, our esteemed guest and an Organizational Development (OD) Consultant with a mastery of adult learning, and experiential learning workshops, and a reputation as an approachable coach.

Lakshmi is also the lead DEI Consultant with TOC (The Outcast Collective) and also manages LS Learning Management Systems. She is a speaker, a volunteer who is committed to helping workplaces elevate their cultural competence to create environments that honor humanity. She asserts, “For a workplace to thrive, grow, and succeed, it must foster a psychologically safe environment with an inclusive culture where all genders, sexual minorities, ethnicities, castes, and abilities feel valued, respected and can contribute equally to the organization’s development and society.”

Drawing from Lakshmi’s extensive expertise, we engaged her in a discussion on designing corporate spaces with DEI principles. Here is our insightful Q&A session.

Q: What considerations should organizations make when designing spaces that support DEI?

There’s a lot that can be done while designing spaces, the environment we work in has a huge impact on the way we work. Organizations need to make sure that their spaces are accessible following Disabilities Act guidelines and designed for everyone. Spaces should be versatile to accommodate activities, including areas, for individual needs. Safety is crucial with designated zones free from harassment and restrooms that are gender neutral. Encouraging collaboration through breakout areas is key. Using furniture for comfort and assistive technologies, for accessibility is essential. Communication tools should be inclusive so that everyone can participate fully. Prioritizing psychological safety is vital to create an environment where all employees feel valued, respected and comfortable expressing themselves without fear of repercussions.

Q: Why should MNCs invest in LGBTQ+ diversity training programs?

Embracing LGBTQIA inclusion has evolved from a good to have to a must, in the business world backed by data. Prioritizing LGBTQ+ diversity training reflects a commitment to responsibility and adherence to global diversity norms ultimately fostering a company culture and boosting business performance. Organizations should invest in training initiatives to nurture a supportive work environment that boosts employee morale and retention. By cultivating understanding and respect, among staff these programs help combat discrimination and prejudices while also bolstering the company's image attracting talent and expanding market reach. Inclusive workplaces not only boost innovation but also foster collaboration by tapping into diverse viewpoints.

Q: What content should be included in an LGBTQ+ diversity training program for MNCs?

An LGBTQ+ diversity training program for MNCs should include:

  1. Terminology and Concepts: Definitions of LGBTQIA+ terms and concepts.

  2. Legal and Policy Framework: Overview of global and local anti-discrimination laws and company policies.

  3. Bias and Stereotypes: Identifying and addressing unconscious biases and stereotypes.

  4. Inclusive Language: Guidance on using respectful and inclusive language.

  5. Allyship: How to be an effective ally and support LGBTQ+ colleagues.

  6. Case Studies and Scenarios: Real-life examples and role-playing exercises.

  7. Support Resources: Information on internal and external resources for LGBTQ+ support.

  8. Continuous Learning: Encouraging ongoing education and engagement.

Q: How can MNCs ‘think ahead’ about inclusion?

To promote inclusivity companies should plan for the future by integrating diversity and inclusion (D&I) into their strategies. This means establishing D&I objectives and consistently monitoring progress. They should nurture an environment through continuous learning, such as regular diversity training and awareness initiatives. Engaging a workforce at all levels and ensuring opportunities for career advancement are vital aspects. Moreover, using technology to detect and address biases in recruitment and decision-making processes is crucial. Forming partnerships with communities and stakeholders well, as staying abreast of global D&I trends and best practices will position multinational corporations well in advancing inclusion.

Q: What steps can be taken in existing corporate spaces to increase equity and inclusivity?

I think there’s never going to be a “we are doing enough” moment. There’s always scope for more. Organizations must create mechanisms to listen to employee feedback or have constant dialogues which will help them to construct solutions that can enhance a sense of belonging and inclusion. Especially from an Indian context most organizations approach inclusion in a phased manner, for instance many organizations start with a gender balance of 50/50 (50% men and 50% women) once that is achieved, they start considering LGBTQ+ inclusion or PWD (people with disabilities) or ND (neurodivergence). We know mature MNCs have moved beyond these identities and are working towards the representation of marginalized ethnic groups from the regions.

Q: Can a space be 'neutral' and DEI-positive?

Certainly! A workplace can create an inclusive environment by ensuring it is accessible to everyone. Although one size fits all approach doesn’t work with DEI, building equitable workplaces is about catering to the unique needs of the individuals. This can be achieved through incorporating design principles to accommodate all kinds of Disabilities and providing gender facilities like restrooms and changing rooms. Including artwork and decor using signage offering quiet spaces for various needs. But in my opinion, organizations should pay emphasis on building sensitivity and awareness about various identities, as we build empathy and acceptance of all identities, organizations will be able to create a culture and workplace environment that is psychologically safe for all and therefore DEI positive.

Q: Your message to the world on account of Pride Month, 2024?

As we mark Pride Month 2024 let's acknowledge the resilience and valuable contributions of the LGBTQIA+ community. This month serves as a reminder of the fight for equality and the importance of opposing discrimination and injustice. Let us embrace diversity in its entirety by creating environments where everyone feels respected and valued. It's essential to educate ourselves, amplify LGBTQIA+ voices and advocate for policies that ensure rights for all individuals. Together we can work towards a world where love, acceptance and understanding triumph over all challenges. Happy Pride Month! Let’s celebrate with pride as we continue striving towards a future, for everyone.


We extend our sincere thanks to Lakshmi Sreenivasan for sharing her profound insights. Her expertise highlights the necessity of creating inclusive environments where everyone can succeed. To learn more about Lakshmi Sreenivasan and her impactful work, visit her website.

(Published 15 July 2024, 16:20 IST)