How To Get A Flat Stomach Fast 2024: 3 Tips & TrickS
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Doing exercises that make your heart beat faster and your lungs work harder are good for burning calories and keeping your heart healthy.

  1. Many exercises that make you breathe faster and sweat more can also help you shape and strengthen your belly area. Some examples are running, walking, and swimming.

Studies have shown that doing exercises that make you breathe faster and sweat more regularly can help you lose some weight, even if you don’t eat less.


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  1. Eat more fiber Fiber can help you feel full for a longer timeTrusted Source, which can make you eat less food during and between meals.

Fiber also helps your digestive system work well. A good digestive system can prevent swelling and make your belly look flat.

  1. Eat less refined carbs Carbohydrates are a type of food that gives you energy, but not all carbs are good for you. Some carbs, such as white bread and white pasta, turn into sugar in your body. When you eat more sugar than you need, your body stores the extra as fat.

If you want to lose fat around your belly, you should eat lessTrusted Source of these carbs.

You still need to eat some carbs for energy, but you should choose healthy, whole-grain ones.

  1. Eat more protein Protein is a type of food that helps your body repair and grow muscles, and it also makes you feel full for a longer time.

A 2021 studyTrusted Source found that men who ate more protein than the recommended amount had less fat inside their belly.

  1. Do exercises while standing, not sitting You should stand when you lift weights or do exercises that make your muscles stronger. Standing while doing some movements, such as lifting your arms, can make you use your belly muscles more.

This can help make your belly muscles stronger and your belly area slimmer.

  1. Do more exercises that make your muscles stronger Doing exercises that make your muscles stronger can help you keep your muscles when you eat less calories. Having more muscles can also help your body burn more caloriesTrusted Source even when you are not moving.

Some common exercises that make your muscles stronger are lifting weights and doing exercises that use your own body weight, such as going up and down with your legs bent.

You can do these exercises by themselves or with exercises that make your heart beat faster. The results of a 2014 studyTrusted Source in young people who were very overweight showed that doing both types of exercises was a good way to lose body fat. 7. Eat more healthy fats (but not too much) Monounsaturated fatty acids, which people often call good fats, are in fats that are liquid when they are not cold.

Some healthy foods that have monounsaturated fatty acids are:

avocado olive oil nuts sesame oil peanut butter with no sugar added A 2016 review of studies found that eating more monounsaturated fatty acids could help you lose body weight.

  1. Move more If you want to lose belly fat, you can try to move more and be more active during the day, especially if you usually sit a lot at work or school.

Some examples of small activities that you can do more often are:

taking the stairs walking using a desk that lets you stand moving around stretching during the day One 2015 studyTrusted Source even suggested that moving more could help you burn up to 2,000 more calories a day, depending on how much you weigh and how active you are.

9. Choose low calorie drinks Some drinks have a lot of calories but not much nutrition, and drinking them can make you eat more calories than you need without knowing it.

Some drinks that have a lot of calories are soft drinks and energy drinks. Other drinks like juice, coffee with milk and sugar, and alcohol also have extra calories that do not give you any health benefits.

To avoid drinking too many calories, you can:

eat whole fruits instead of juice, which have more fiber use less or no milk and sugar in your coffee and tea mix alcohol with soda water instead of tonic, cola, or ginger ale 10. Drink enough water Drinking enough water can help you get rid of extra water and gas in your body, which can make your stomach look bigger.

Drinking a glass of water before you eat can also make you feel full and eat less.

You can drink plain water or add some lemon, cucumber, or berries to make it taste better. Drinking herbal teas is another good way to stay hydrated.

  1. Strengthen your core The core muscles are the muscles around your middle, which include your stomach and back muscles. Working on your core can help you build muscle and burn more calories all day.

A strong core will also help your body do other activities, like cardio and weight training, without getting hurt.

Making your core muscles stronger can help your stomach look and feel firmer when you lose belly fat.

  1. Get enough sleep Sleep is important for your overall health, including keeping a healthy weight.

A study from 2018 found that not getting enough sleep affects the hormones that control your hunger and can make you want to eat more. The researchers said that sleeping more and sleeping better could help people lose weight.

You can get more sleep and sleep better by:

not using electronics in your bedroom going to bed 30–60 minutes earlier than usual doing some relaxing stretches or meditation before bed getting enough sunlight during the day exercising regularly not having caffeine and alcohol before bed 13. Reduce stress Stress is linked to many health problems. These problems include gaining weight, which may happen because some people tend to eat when they are stressed. This may be because of cortisol, a stress hormone that can make you hungry.

Some ways to reduce stress are:

doing aerobic exercise talking with someone you care about trying mindfulness focusing on the most important tasks not taking on too many projects and events spending time doing something you enjoy 14. Walk for 30 minutes a day Besides other exercises, walking for 30 minutes a day can help you burn more calories, lower your stress, and move more.

Walking for 30 minutes at lunchtime can help you lose stubborn fat, and it can also help you feel more energetic in the afternoon.

Walking for 30 minutes after dinner can help your digestion and stop you from sitting in front of the TV.

  1. Track what you eat Writing down what you eat can help you think about what you have eaten and make healthier choices when you eat and snack.

Sometimes people do not realize how much they have eaten during the day or forget to eat important nutrients, and choose unhealthy snacks instead. Writing down what you eat for 1 or 2 weeks can help you find out where you are eating extra calories.

16. Chew your food well When you eat too fastTrusted Source, your brain does not get the signal that you are full until you have eaten more than you need in a meal.

Eating fast can also make you swallow more air, which can cause more gas and swelling in your stomach.

  1. Do short and intense workouts Short and intense workouts (HIIT) are a good way to burn more calories when you exercise.

HIIT means doing fast and hard movements with short breaks in between. This kind of workout can help you burn more calories in less time than some other exercise choices.

A 2018 study review found that HIIT workouts, especially running, could help lower both the fat in your whole body and the fat in your belly. HIIT biking may also work, but we need more studies to be sure.

  1. Find out if you are allergic to some foods Some foods can make you have problems in your stomach, such as gas, swelling, and hard stools. Some foods that people often have allergies to are milk, eggs, and wheat.

If you feel swollen or have other stomach problems after eating some food, you should talk to a doctor or a food expert.

Frequently asked questions Here are some common questions about how to get a flat stomach.

How to lose belly fat in 2 weeks?

Losing weight usually takes time. But, if you want to lose belly fat in 2 weeks, there are some things you can do to make it faster. This includes doing exercises that make you breathe hard, eating more fiber and protein, eating less sugar and white bread, and chewing your food well,

Our bodies naturally have different shapes and sizes, and they are all beautiful. But the way our body works is complex, so making your stomach smaller (and keeping it that way) can be difficult no matter what stomach problems you have — whether you have bloat or belly fat.

If you want to get rid of bloat because it makes you uncomfortable, following the tips below will help you with that. They are based on experts’ advice and research. And if you want to lower your belly fat to be healthier and avoid diseases like heart problems and diabetes, you may want to start by eating more natural and fresh foods (including some foods that are good for a flat stomach) and doing more exercise every day. After that, making the tips below into habits that last long may help you lose inches from your waist — without doing extreme diets.

Before you change your eating habits, we want you to learn more about the dangers of diet culture by reading our article on this topic.

1 Check for food intolerances

Some people have trouble digesting certain foods, such as lactose or gluten, which can cause gas, bloating and other stomach problems, says Danielle Crumble Smith, R.D.N., founder of Eat Well Live Well. If you think you have a food intolerance, talk to a doctor or a dietitian. It can also be useful to keep a record of what you eat and how you feel. You may not have a reaction until three to four days after eating the food, which can make it hard to find out what is causing the problem if you don’t write it down.

2 Massage your belly Really!

Gentle belly massage can help activate the muscles in your digestive system, which can help move gas and waste through your body and reduce bloating, says Crumble Smith. Start by putting your hands just above your right hip bone, then rub in a circular motion up to the right side of your chest, across your upper belly, and down to your left hip bone. Always massage in the direction of the clock.

3 Use a smaller plate

When you eat a lot of food, your body has to work very hard to digest it, says Crumble Smith, which can make you feel too full and bloated. Instead, try eating smaller portions more often during the day.

4 Control your sweet tooth

There are a few reasons why eating less sweet things might help. First, in some people fructose and lactose (two kinds of sugar) cause bloating and other stomach troubles. Sugar can also cause inflammation and mess up the balance of bacteria in your gut. Also, sugar alcohols like xylitol, sorbitol and mannitol are often used as sugar replacements in ‘sugar-free’ or ‘low-sugar’ foods, says Crumble Smith. These can cause bloating, especially when eaten in large amounts, because they are not fully absorbed by the body and are fermented by bacteria in the gut. To satisfy a sudden sugar craving, eat fruit (which also has gut-friendly fiber). To really quit sugar, join our membership club, GH+, to get access to Good Housekeeping’s 21-day sugar detox plan, which will help you get rid of your cravings and have a healthy relationship with the sweet stuff.

5 Limit alcohol

Alcohol is a hard one because a lot of people drink it in social situations, says Crumble Smith, but it’s wise to be careful about how much and what you drink. That’s because alcohol can increase the amount of gas in your digestive system. Research also shows that your digestive system slows down so that your body can deal with the alcohol. As a result, the food that you might be eating may not be broken down or used as well, says Crumble Smith. These problems may be worse if you drink sugary drinks.

6 Think about digestive enzymes

There are several enzymes that can help with the digestion of beans, cruciferous vegetables and foods high in FODMAPs — fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides and polyols, says Crumble Smith. It might be helpful to talk to a registered dietitian about whether taking one of these could help: alpha-galactosidase, lactase, xylanase, cellulase, amylase, protease and lipase. It’s also advised to work with a dietitian to help figure out why you might be reacting to these foods, adds Crumble Smith.

7 Work out often

The goal isn’t just to build muscles and burn calories. Physical activity helps activate the muscles of the digestive system to improve regularity and reduce bloating, says Crumble Smith. Even if you can’t go to the gym, try to fit in a 30-minute walk daily, says advises Kim Lyons, a certified nutrition coach and personal trainer on The Biggest Loser. The simple increase in metabolism will help you burn belly fat more effectively. Plus, one study found that people with high blood pressure who started walking 15 minutes a day and increased it to 300 minutes a week two months later reduced their waist size as well as their blood pressure.

8 Manage stress

When you’re stressed out, your body produces more steroids and stress hormones, which harm your digestive system, causing severe constipation, says Judith Reichman, M.D., an obstetrician-gynecologist in Los Angeles. On top of that, stress also boosts the production of cortisol, a fight or flight hormone that sends extra fat to your midsection in its attempt to protect your vital organs. To reduce stress, Dr. Reichman suggests setting aside 20 minutes every day to relax. Deep breathing, meditation, yoga and other relaxation techniques can help control stress levels and may enhance digestion, adds Crumble Smith.

9 Avoid the straw

This may seem obvious, but if you’re taking in a lot of air, it needs to occupy space somewhere in your body and may cause bloat as it travels through your digestive system. To prevent that from happening, avoid drinking fizzy drinks and using straws, both of which can increase the air that ends up in your stomach, suggests Roshini Raj, M.D., a board-certified gastroenterologist and author of Gut Renovation. Don’t talk and eat at the same time because it also makes you swallow air, she adds.

10 Improve your posture

Stand up straight and your tummy will look flatter right away, says Lyons. When your posture is good, you’re automatically working and toning your stomach muscles, she says. If you need to remind yourself to stand tall, a few strategically placed sticky notes should do the trick, or consider some of these posture-correcting products.

11 Eat slower

Rather than gobbling down meals, make a point of chewing each bite at least 10 times before swallowing. The body has to work harder to break down food in the stomach and intestines, which can lead to major gas and indigestion, says Dr. Reichman. Plus, when you eat fast, you’re more likely to swallow air. To make slowing down easier, try eating attentively and pay attention to the scents, textures and taste of every bite.

12 Use a hula hoop

Those colorful rings aren’t just for kids! One study found that when research participants started using a weighted hula-hoop for six minutes a day and then added two minutes to their daily total each week, they reduced their abdominal fat and increased their muscle mass in just six weeks.

13 Drink more water Keep those fluids coming! Being dehydrated causes the body to store water, says Lyons. This can lead you to carry up to four extra pounds around your midsection. Drinking water also helps your body handle the fiber you’re eating. (Cruciferous veggies and legumes are especially known for causing gas pain if you’re not well hydrated.) Aim for at least eight cups of water or other fluids daily.

14 Try probiotics

Probiotics are ‘good’ bacteria that help your stomach digest food, preventing the stomach problems that can stop you from having a flat belly, says nutritionist Jonny Bowden, Ph.D., author of The Most Effective Natural Cures on Earth. To make sure your stomach is working well, Bowden recommends eating a daily serving of a food that has a lot of probiotics like yogurt, kimchi, miso, sauerkraut or buttermilk.

15 Don’t ignore prebioitics

If you want healthy probiotics, you need prebiotics to feed them. Prebiotics are a kind of fiber that are not broken down in the stomach. They help the good bacteria grow so your stomach is healthier and less swollen. You can get prebiotics from veggies, fruit, nuts, beans, seeds and 100% whole grains, says Amy Fischer M.S., R.D., C.D.N…

16 Have a bathroom routine

Most women don’t like to talk about it, but you really have to choose a specific time each day to go to the bathroom, says Dr. Reichman. If you don’t, it’s too easy to feel in a hurry, and not listen to your body’s need to go. Once you’ve taught your brain to ignore your body’s signals, you make it easier for constipation to make you bloated. (It may also help to stop wearing skinny jeans as research shows that wearing tight clothes can make your stool move slower in your stomach.)

17 Stop chewing gum

Because chewing gum makes you swallow more air, it can also stop you from fitting into your skinny jeans, say researchers at the American College of Gastroenterology. If you want to make your breath smell better, you’re better off sucking on a mint.

18 Leave your chair

You don’t have to change to a standing desk all the time, but research shows that replacing just one hour of sitting at work with one hour of standing can make your waist smaller. It might feel good to stretch a bit, anyway!

19 Reduce sodium

When you eat too much sodium, research shows that your body has to keep water to make the sodium less strong before it’s removed. As a result, you’ll probably feel a bit bloated from the extra water weight. To avoid this (and lower your chance for high blood pressure, heart disease and stroke), try to eat less than 2,300 milligrams of sodium per day. Americans get 70% of their sodium from processed and restaurant foods, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, so the easiest thing you can do is avoid packaged foods.

sleeping mask, alarm clock and confetti on purple backgroundLIUDMILA CHERNETSKA 20 Sleep earlier Going to bed a little earlier doesn’t just help you stop eating late at night. Missing sleep makes your body’s metabolism slower and it can lead to higher cortisol levels which can make your body store more fat. To burn more calories and keep cortisol levels low, try to get 7 to 8 hours of sleep every night.

21 Eat ginger

Ginger has many health benefits. Not only does it have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, it’s also a natural way to get rid of water. On top of that, ginger has been shown to help digestion by making food move faster in your stomach which reduces gas and bloating. Ginger tea is a quick and easy way to add it to your diet, but you can also put it in smoothies, soup or salad dressing.

22 Eat more fiber slowly

Fiber helps you poop regularly so you don’t feel bloated from being constipated. But if you eat too much fiber too fast, it can make you fart more, says Fischer. To eat more fiber slowly, have high-fiber cereal or oats for breakfast and snack on fruits and vegetables with carrots and hummus or apple with nut butter. You can also put chia seeds, avocado and frozen raspberries in your smoothie for more fiber, vitamins and minerals.

23 Make some coffee

Another benefit of your cup of joe: Coffee can help you de-bloat because it is a natural (mild) diuretic, meaning it helps your body lose extra water. It also makes your bowels move which can lead to a flatter belly, Fischer says.

24 Do yoga Yoga may not be a hard cardio workout but it has many benefits for your belly. In fact, one small study of women with a waist size of 34.6 inches or more found that those who did two 90-minute sessions of hatha yoga every week for 12 weeks reduced their waist size a lot compared to women who didn’t do yoga. If you want to try it, do Prevention’s Flat Belly Yoga program to make your tummy tighter and firmer in just minutes a day — no crunches needed!

The bottom line

You are special, strong and valuable no matter what size your waist is. Before you choose to slim down, think about why you want to do it. In some cases, a smaller belly is better for your health, but not always. And just like there are a million ways your body is different, there are a million ways to change your body. The methods explained above might help you reduce bloat or lose inches from your waist, but there is no sure, easy, or magical way to lose weight. That’s why it’s so important to focus on your health and do what makes you happy. If you want to learn more about how diet culture affects us as individuals and communities, read our articles on the topic.

(Published 14 December 2023, 18:13 IST)