Indian VR/AR Tech Startup Takes World Stage: 40 Days' Work Reduced to 6 Steps and 30 Minutes.
Last Updated IST

In a groundbreaking development, an Indian XR (Extended Reality) tech startup, Ctruh, is revolutionizing the way immersive experiences are created and deployed. This innovation is set to disrupt the global XR industry, dramatically reducing both the time and manpower required to build sophisticated virtual environments.

Traditionally, creating an immersive XR experience has been a complex and time-consuming process. It typically involves a team of 3D artists, Unity or Unreal developers and the timeline for a mid-sized project often stretches to around 40 days, with team sizes ranging from a minimum of 3 people to an average of 10-12, and sometimes even up to 30-40 professionals for larger projects.

Ctruh has turned this paradigm on its head. Instead of businesses needing to hire an in-house team of developers, they can now create stunning immersive experiences in just six simple steps under 30 minutes. This remarkable feat is made possible by Ctruh's proprietary no-code/low-code 3D engine on the web, which forms the foundation for their revolutionary applications.


The key innovation lies in Ctruh's no-code web-based applications. Users can create immersive experiences by simply logging onto, eliminating the need for specialized software or extensive technical knowledge. Once created, these experiences become instantly accessible on a link, removing the barrier of apps or SDK downloads and ensuring compatibility across all devices.

Perhaps most impressively, Ctruh's render quality is so advanced that it's often indistinguishable from real objects. This level of realism, combined with the ease of creation, opens up new possibilities for businesses across various sectors, from e-commerce to education and beyond.

“It’s not just the render quality; other companies can create good render quality as well. What sets Ctruh apart is our ability to deploy that level of quality on the web without reducing the website’s load time,” said Vinay Agastya, Founder & CEO of Ctruh, in an interview.

Here’s how their six-step process works:

Choose Your Layout: Select the foundation of your immersive experience from a variety of pre-designed layouts tailored to your industry or business needs.

Import Your Product Catalog: Easily upload your product data, including images and descriptions, to integrate your offerings seamlessly into the virtual space.

Upload Your Brand Elements: Customize the environment with your brand's unique elements, such as logos, colors, and other visual assets, ensuring brand consistency.

Place Your Products: Strategically position your products within the virtual space to create an engaging and intuitive user experience.

Place Your Store Content: Add additional content, such as promotional materials, informational displays, and interactive elements, to enhance the immersive experience.

Setup Visitor Experience: Configure how visitors will navigate and interact with the space, ensuring an optimal user journey. With just one click, you can publish and share your immersive experience in the form of a weblink.

You can try Ctruh’s application to create your store, office, home, or anything else you want in the Immersive world from here:

This innovative approach not only simplifies XR technology but also significantly reduces the time and resources required to create immersive experiences. By condensing what was once a 40-day process involving dozens of professionals into a 30-minute task that can be completed by a single person, Ctruh is poised to transform the XR landscape.

As this Indian startup takes the world stage, it's clear that we're witnessing a paradigm shift in XR technology. The implications for businesses, educators, and creators around the globe are profound, promising a future where immersive digital experiences are as easy to create as they are to consume.

(Published 29 July 2024, 16:48 IST)