Nisha IVF Center, a leading IVF Clinic in Ahmedabad, offers bespoke state-of-the-art innovative fertility treatment
Madhushree G K
Last Updated IST

Nisha IVF Centre is dedicated to assisting individuals and couples in becoming parents. Founded by Dr. Nisarg Patel and Dr. Himali Maniar, the clinic offers advanced fertility procedures such as IVF, IUI, and ICSI and helps their patients achieve their parenthood goals.

Nisha IVF is a leading Fertility centre and IVF clinic in Ahmedabad, it also offers mental support and counseling to couples facing infertility challenges during their treatment journey.

Ms. Vishaka Goyal, a co-founder of ClinicSpots, an online healthcare and doctor discovery platform underscores that "Nisha IVF is renowned for delivering IVF one of the most widely practiced forms of assisted reproductive technology (ART) globally in Ahmedabad. Dr Nisarg Patel is among the best IVF doctors in India with the highest number of successful IVF cycles in the first attempt in Ahmedabad.”


Dr. Nisarg Patel, an authority in the field, explains that in vitro fertilization (IVF) is a technique that facilitates the fusion of male and female gametes in a laboratory setting. This method involves the use of eggs and sperm obtained from either or both partners or from an anonymous donor. The resulting fertilized egg(s) are then transferred to the uterus of the biological mother or a surrogate to establish a successful pregnancy.

Dr. Patel provides detailed insights into the steps involved in the IVF procedure. Depending upon the evidence-based diagnosis, the doctors recommend suitable medication to help ovaries respond better leading to fertilization.

 As per schedule, the IVF expert retrieves the eggs from the female patients and a semen sample or a sperm donor for fertilization. The eggs and sperm are incubated together in a laboratory.

After fertilization, the embryo rapidly develops. The IVF surgeon transfers the healthiest of embryos into the uterus. A pregnancy test determines the result of the procedure. A full cycle of IVF usually takes around three to four weeks.

Dr. Nisarg Patel shares a heartwarming story of a couple who were struggling with infertility for 5 years after marriage. After multiple failed attempts with other treatments, the couple visited Nisha IVF Centre with a mix of hope and apprehension. The team under Dr Nisarg Patel conducted a thorough assessment and developed a customized treatment plan that included IVF with preimplantation genetic testing.

Dr. Nisarg Patel's expertise and empathy during their first consultation for IVF treatment provided a great deal of reassurance. The process began with ovarian stimulation, egg retrieval, and genetic testing of embryos. Dr. Nisarg Patel and his team chose the healthiest of embryos for implantation. The embryo transfer went smoothly, and two weeks later, they received positive results, bringing them great joy.

Months later, they welcomed a healthy baby girl into their lives, a testament to their perseverance and the advanced fertility treatments at Nisha IVF. Now as proud parents they advocate for infertility awareness, encouraging others not to give up on their dreams of parenthood.

Dr. Nisarg Patel and his team understand the anxiety and stress that couples experience during this period. Therefore, they provide full support and guidance to help them through it smoothly.

The Nisha IVF Clinic is equipped with cutting-edge technology and is well-maintained.  Dr Nisarg Patel has personally trained the doctors and medical staff working at the clinic to ensure thorough dedication and commitment toward their patients.

For an appointment, contact Dr. Nisarg Patel at:

Nisha IVF Centre

201, 2nd Floor, Bhavya Shopping Complex,

Opp. Govt Tubewell,

Bhopal, Ahmedabad,

Gujarat 380058, India

Email Us:

About Nisha IVF Centre

At Nisha IVF firmly believe that every patient's journey is unique. Dr. Nisarg Patel and his entire staff offer comprehensive treatment to each of their patients. Along with suitable fertility treatment, they offer counseling and emotional support at every stage of their journey. They have successfully treated many complex infertility cases including multiple IVF failures and miscarriages, etc at Nisha IVF centre. Dr Nisarg Patel and his team are committed to striving hard for the best possible outcomes for their patients.

(Published 28 May 2024, 16:44 IST)