India stands at 78th on Newsweek's best country list
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Among India's neighbours, China is ranked 59th, Sri Lanka is placed at 66th position, while Bangladesh and Pakistan has been placed at 88th and 89th spots respectively.

Japan, South Korea and Singapore are the only three Asian countries in the top 20.

The top four positions go to Finland, Switzerland, Sweden and Australia while the United States comes in at 11th with Germany at 12th and the United Kingdom at 14th.

"In Newsweek's first-ever Best Countries special issue, we set out to answer a question that is at once simple and incredibly complex—if you were born today, which country would provide you the very best opportunity to live a healthy, safe, reasonably prosperous and upwardly mobile life?," writes Rana Foorohar, deputy editor.

The rankings are based on performance in areas such as education, health, economic dynamism and quality of life.

India is described as a big country with 1.2 billion people with a small per capita income of USD 1,170 per capita.

In an article describing how the countries were ranked, Foorohar writes, "While remarkable individuals can be found in any nation on earth, certain countries give their citizens much greater opportunity to succeed than others at certain points in time."

"As wealth and power shift from West to East, and a new post-crisis world order continues to take shape, it's no longer clear that being born and raised in Omaha offers quite the edge that it once might have," she added.

India gets 2.5 for freedom of expression, political participation and electoral processes from Freedom House with 1 being the highest score. Pakistan scores low with 4.5.

In the quality of life section, the study quotes the World Bank statistics as 75 per cent of the population living on less than USD 2 per day.

In the 'ease of doing' business category, India gets 133th rank, according to World Bank, which puts 1 as the best place to do business.

(Published 22 August 2010, 16:07 IST)