Brush up your English language skillsKNOW YOUR EXAM
Last Updated IST

Those who dream of studying or working abroad have to clear some mandatory requisitions. One of the criteria happens to be clearing the test of English as a foreign language in other words — TOEFL — with a decent score.

The test which tests the working knowledge of English in the aspiring individual works in favour of both the test taker and the test giver. While the former gets to prove his proficiency in the Queen’s language and gain entry into an alien land which uses the same as its vehicle of communication, the latter certifies the same for the potential employers and educators of the foreign land.

Educational Testing Service (ETS), which has screened over twenty five millions applicants over the years, stands testimony to the veracity of the test. These days the test is conducted at least thrice a day in all the metros and a few major cities in India.

Candidates aspiring to take the test, have to prove their reading, writing, speaking and listening skills in English.

There are several registered and private organisations which help students to register for this examination and also train them for the same. Those students who hope to take up the examination on their own steam should remember that every aspiring candidate should have a valid passport at the time of registration. Examination fees can be remitted over telephone or the internet by using a VISA or a master credit card. Students should remember that the test scores are valid for a period of two years from the date on which the results are announced. Hence they would prove themselves to be wise if they register for the test so that it benefits them in the best possible manner.

The preparation for the examination can prove to be a cakewalk or an obstacle race depending on the language skills of the examinee. If a candidate has been educated in the English medium through school, the test will prove to be easier, if not, ploughing in a little hard and sincere work cannot be discounted.

The course does not have a prescribed text book, yet the market is flooded with books and CDs released by publications like, Princeton, Kaplan, Barron’s, APCO among others. Besides various training centres like TIMES, Visu’s, Princeton, Kaplan, Rao’s, etc. have come up with their own study material on similar lines.

Students will do well to work out two or three of these publications by way of preparation. They could also log in to which not only provides practice tests but also guides students in the four aforementioned areas of the test. It is important for the student to identify the area in which he or she is falling short and pay more attention to repair the shortcoming.

Each section of the test carries only thirty marks, in the Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) format. Yet if one prepares elaborately it will certainly fetch better scores.


Students get to listen to scraps of conversations between two people and answer questions based on the conversation, which is usually with an American accent. Watching newsreels, documentaries and movies will enhance understanding.  While taking the examination, it will be helpful to make notes especially if there are references to numbers, time, names or such other features. Concentration is of essence in this for it can make or mar the score!


 The reading section usually comprises of unseen passages which test the comprehension skills of the student. Students will do well to make notes on the scratch sheet as they read the passage. This will help them eliminate improbable choices while answering. They should not let their general knowledge of the given subject interfere while zeroing-in on the answer. They should make their inferences only on the basis of the given composition.


One is expected to write an essay on the given subject, exploring the pros and cons of the issue. Though one can never prepare enough for this section of the test, one will do well to write out essays selecting topics from the suggested books and site and get them corrected by a teacher of English. Time need not be a constraint during the initial practice sessions, but as the date of the examination gets nearer one should stick to completing the essay within forty five minutes. During the examination the given scratch sheet should be used to put down points in order to facilitate the free flow of the essay.


Students are engaged in a very casual conversation by the examiner which revolves around everyday topics like one’s favourite colour, books, food, et al or on the candidate’s personal preference of travel destination, fashion, art, course among other things. These conversations are recorded for evaluation and usually do not last longer than five minutes.  Candidates should remember that the examiner is not trying to judge their opinion on the subject but on the other hand is assessing the grammar and diction of the speaker.  They should make the best use of the time given to them prior to the recording to gather their thoughts and make notes if necessary.

There is absolutely no necessity to feel nervous in this round for the examiners are usually kind and patient.

(Published 02 March 2011, 14:50 IST)