International students can avail scholarshipsStudy Abroad
Uma Aswani
Last Updated IST
Study Abroad
Study Abroad

Dear Madam,

Do international students get financial aid for graduation programmes in ivy league schools?



Dear Sanjana,

Yes, all universities including ivy leagues offer scholarships and financial aid to international students. Research assistantships, graduate assistantship, fellowship, teacher assistantship are some of the funding methods you can apply to. Other than these, universities have many internal scholarships in each department. Many of them have a strong alumni association which offers scholarships.

Dear Madam,

I have done BE in Mechanical Engineering. I wish to do MBA in airport management. Does this course have a good scope?

Arbaaz Khan

Dear Arbaaz,

To pursue an MBA in most countries you need two to three years of full time work experience. I would suggest you do a Master's in Airport Management or Aviation Management. Many universities also offer this course in combination with international tourism management. Air Safety Management, Air Transport Management, Aircraft Maintenance Management and Airport Management are some of the popular courses in this field. I would recommend you study this programme in the UK, as the course duration is only for one year and the government allows you to stay back for two years on completion of your course giving you ample time to work and gain some international experience. There is a demand for this course and you get paid well in this field.

Dear Madam,

I am in Class 11 with Physics, Chemistry, Psychology and Biology combination. However, I also have an inclination towards visual arts. As it is possible to do a major in neurosciences/ psychology and a minor in visual arts in foreign universities, I wish to write SAT but I haven't taken Math. Please advise.


Dear Sanjana,

You need to write your SAT to get into a good US university. I am guessing you want to go to the US since that’s where they offer a major and a minor. Most of their liberal arts colleges encourage a minor in a creative subject like art, music, drama etc. The Math in SAT is the same level as your Class 10 Math. Most students take the SAT in Class 11 and get decent scores. Johns Hopkins and University of California San Diego are well known for BS in neuroscience with a minor in visual arts.

Dear Madam,

I am a senior citizen and have started studying Gemology. Please suggest some affordable courses in Gemology research.

Chittibabu Siraj

Dear Chittibabu,

National University of Ireland Galway, George Brown University in Canada, Birmingham City University in the UK are well known for courses in Gemology. They offer full time degree, diploma and certificate courses. There are also many online short courses offered by the international gemological institute and the international gem society.

(Published 30 November 2020, 17:30 IST)