Why textbooks are better than Internet sourcesBeing in the field of education and being aware of the huge changes that have happened in the last decade or so has made me painfully aware that not many depend on textbooks. Online material, easily available, has replaced the need for textbooks. Or so everyone thinks.
Sahana Prasad
Last Updated IST

This is the prescribed textbook for the course,” I announced at the beginning of the semester, only to be met by stares. “Who buys textbooks?” said the look on their faces.

Being in the field of education and being aware of the huge changes that have happened in the last decade or so has made me painfully aware that not many depend on textbooks. Online material, easily available, has replaced the need for textbooks. Or so everyone thinks.

Why spend money on buying a book while you get all the information from GPTs, the young mind thinks? It’s even better than browsing. Just type in the keywords, and you will get all the information in a few seconds! Wait, it is not that simple; the internet and GPTs can never give what a textbook does, the reliability of the information.


Credibility and authority

“Who writes textbooks?” Well, generally, experts. It gets reviewed many times, with reviewers looking for errors and discrepancies. Some of them undergo multiple revisions before getting published. This makes them a credible source of information. Anyone can upload material and articles on the internet, which leads to the dissemination of misinformation.

Depth of information

“Is that all you can provide?” Ask the book editors. “Include more case studies and real life examples” say the peer reviewers. Thus, textbooks provide a comprehensive and in-depth exploration of subjects. They cover topics systematically, building on previous knowledge and providing extensive background information. This structured approach allows students to develop a deep understanding of the subject matter. However, no prerequisites are there for internet posts, making textbooks indispensable for those aiming for a thorough grasp of a subject, 

Structured learning and curriculum alignment

Faculty who teach a particular subject generally write books. “Are you available to develop material for this subject?” is the question publishers pose to teachers. Thus, textbooks are usually aligned with educational curricula and standards, ensuring the material is relevant and appropriate for the student’s academic level. However, internet resources are “one size fits all” and rarely contain a structured approach.

Minimising distractions

Browsing the internet, yawning and opening another tab, generally of a social media page, is common. Students often find themselves veering off course, reducing the efficiency and effectiveness of their study sessions. However, while studying from a textbook, students can focus solely on the material without the temptation to check social media, watch videos, or browse unrelated websites, thus providing a distraction-free environment conducive to focused learning.

Consistency and permanence

“This is what I found last week, but when I checked again, the solution is changed!” lament many students. Someone would have pointed out an error on an internet page, and the contents would have changed. Those who learned from it are now confused about the correct version. However, textbooks offer consistency and permanence that internet sources cannot match. Once a textbook is published, its content remains unchanged, allowing students to refer to the same material throughout their studies. This stability is crucial for building a solid foundation of knowledge. 

Thus, while the internet is an invaluable resource for quick searches and supplemental information, textbooks remain the cornerstone of effective learning. Their credibility, depth of information, structured approach, and ability to minimize distractions make them indispensable tools in education. 

(Published 30 July 2024, 06:20 IST)