Fly away fluMost bacterial infections can be treated by giving children plenty of hydration, ensuring personal hygiene, and symptomatic care, writes Dr Prashanth Gowda
Dr Prashanth Gowda
Last Updated IST

With an increase in the number of coronavirus cases, parents are increasingly worried about the health of their children. Most children are bound to fall sick with the flu but with Covid-19 numbers drastically increasing, it has become every parent’s nightmare. However, with studies showing that children are less inclined to be symptomatically affected by the Covid-19 virus, here are a few things every parent needs to know to get through this.

During this season, it is common for children to develop respiratory tract infection. A sore throat is the most common ailment children face during this period. This is caused mostly by a virus and can be bacterial as well, but can be quite painful. Although there is no specific medication for viral form, it usually gets better in 7-10 days by proper personal hygiene, good nutrition and drinking hot and clean water and simple steps like regular mouth gargling with warm salt water.

Make sure to check their ears. Do not use earbuds to clean ears. Ear infections are common as a part of a common cold during this time of the year. Urinary tract infection (UTI) is one more thing to look out for. UTI can be seen in children from infancy into their teen years. The symptoms are burning sensation during urination, the need to frequently urinate, bed-wetting, abdominal pain and bad urine odour/smelly urine. This can be prevented by maintaining hygiene, urinating when required and keeping kids well hydrated.


Another common ailment that infants face is that of viral infection, predominantly called acute bronchiolitis or viral pneumonia. Sometimes, children might also show signs of being unable to eat or sleep well, their physical activities might diminish. In order to make sure that children are given nutritious food and they enough sleep, parents must give them symptomatic care. Symptomatic care here, simply means fever-reducing medication, nebulisation and giving them oxygen if required. There is no specific medication for viral infections except influenza viruses and H1N1 viruses, also known as swine flu.

Apart from these, children may suffer from a vector-borne illness like dengue. If infected, children suffer from high fever for 3-4 days initially and other symptoms include rashes, low urine output, skin bleeding, gastrointestinal problems like nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain.

At the onset of the winter season, children tend to face gastroenteritis, which is nothing but an infection of the stomach and bowel resulting in common symptoms like vomiting and diarrhoea. This is most commonly caused because of contaminated food and unclean water.

Most bacterial infections can be treated by giving children plenty of hydration, ensuring personal hygiene, and symptomatic care. It is very difficult to keep children isolated, without going outdoors, but it is necessary to do so until they recover. This will greatly help in the prevention of spreading diseases and infecting others.

Children must be provided with plenty of seasonal vegetables, fruits and whole grains. Their diet must include age-appropriate fat. Lean meat, poultry, fish, nuts, lentils and beans must be given as protein in reasonably sized proportions. It is important to encourage them to keep themselves hydrated by drinking plenty of water and limiting their consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages and consumption of saturated fat. Physical activity is also an important aspect of maintaining healthy body weight. Junk and sugary food must be avoided.

(The author is a consultant paediatrician.)

(Published 04 October 2020, 00:16 IST)