Bedi tweets video of Sun chanting 'Om', gets trolled
ETB Sivapriyan
Last Updated IST
Former Indian Police Service Officer and Lieutenant General of Puducherry Kiran Bedi. (DH Photo)
Former Indian Police Service Officer and Lieutenant General of Puducherry Kiran Bedi. (DH Photo)

A social media buff, Puducherry Lt Governor Kiran Bedi was at the receiving end on Saturday as she was heavily trolled for posting a video whose caption was “Sun Chants OM” on Twitter. In her tweet, Bedi, a former IPS officer, posted a 1:50 minute video which said NASA has recorded the sound of sun.

Soon, the tweet went viral with thousands retweeting and liking it besides trolling her for the whole of Saturday. At last count, the tweet was retweeted 7,600 times and like by more than 24,000 people. It also received 7,000 replies, most of which were hilarious in nature.

“UNESCO has declared sun's sound to be the best sound in the Universe. Actually, Sun chants Om only in the morning. In the evening it sings India's national anthem, but NASA obviously won't tell you this,” Vivek Prasad, who tweets via @Mallufideintent, wrote on Twitter.


As the video went viral, several people took to Twitter to “correct” Bedi saying she has posted a fake video. Many shared the original video posted by NASA which said that the Sun was not silent.

“The low, pulsing hum of our star's heartbeat allows scientists to peer inside, revealing huge rivers of solar material flowing, along with waves, loops and eruptions. This helps scientists study what can’t be seen. Listen in,” the NASA had said in a tweet on July 26, 2018.

“According to whatsapp university...#Earth is the only planet where #Hindus are minority. Even on #Sun, there are only hindus...That's why they chant only 'OM' 😊 #KiranBedi,” @manishbpl tweeted.

Several people also pointed out that Bedi might have sourced the video from WhatsApp.

After the trolling, Bedi responded saying even if the video was fake it is worth listening to it.

“It is good and soothing. It’s enriching to the inner being. It brings peace and harmony within. It relaxes you and enhances u. Listen to it. Even if it's fake. It’s rich in impact. This is how I felt when I posted it. The NASA factor may be fake, but the vibrations one can get by listening to it are not,” Bedi said.

The actual videos of how the Sun sounds by NASA is available on YouTube, says the report. It further adds that the video has solar sounds generated from 40 days of the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory’s (SOHO) Michelson Doppler Imager (MDI) data and processed by A. Kosovichev.

(Published 04 January 2020, 11:49 IST)