BJP drive 'India supports CAA' campaign on social media
Anand Mishra
Last Updated IST
The Twitter handle of Modi's personal website also had a message saying that the CAA is about giving citizenship to persecuted refugees and not about taking anyone's citizenship away. (Photo by AFP)
The Twitter handle of Modi's personal website also had a message saying that the CAA is about giving citizenship to persecuted refugees and not about taking anyone's citizenship away. (Photo by AFP)

With no end to protests against Citizenship Amendment Act despite its intensity coming down, BJP has lined up a series of outreach programmes from launching a social media campaign on Monday to hold intellectual meetings and a national conference of Muslims to clear “misgivings”.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi led the BJP in mobilizing support for the CAA on social media by posting a video of spiritual guru Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev in which the latter is backing the law while other BJP leaders went into a tweet spree with the hashtag of "India Supports CAA".

As the party’s nationwide campaign of intellectual meetings in over 700 districts of the country will conclude on Tuesday, BJP has decided to hold a national-level conference in the first week of the New Year to inform Muslims, who have been at warpath against the CAA, about the reality of the legislation and how the Opposition is trying to use them for their political gains.


The party has already formed a number of panels including a committee of its minority leaders to take home the message among the minorities that the CAA is not against Muslims in India and the government has no intention to take away any Indian’s citizenship.

During the meetings, the BJP leaders will seek to ally apprehensions of minorities regarding the CAA, the National Population Register and even the NRC regarding which “no discussion has taken place so far.”

“Do hear this lucid explanation of aspects relating to CAA and more by Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev. He provides historical context, brilliantly highlights our culture of brotherhood. He also calls out the misinformation by vested interest groups,” Modi tweeted with hashtag #IndiaSupportsCAA”.

On his personal handle, Modi tweeted “ #IndiaSupportsCAA because CAA is about giving citizenship to persecuted refugees & not about taking anyone’s citizenship away.”

He also asked Twitterati to check out this hashtag at NaMo App and asked them “share and show your support for CAA.”

The Twitter handle of Modi's personal website also had a message saying that the CAA is about giving citizenship to persecuted refugees and not about taking anyone's citizenship away.

Ever since the protests had broken out the BJP has been trying to hard to convince people that CAA does not relate to Indians is meant for giving dignity to minorities persecuted Pakistan, Afganistan and Bangladesh due to their faith. On Sunday, BJP Working President J P Nadda said all those opposing CAA are against Dalits as is “Dalit brothers” that are in maximum numbers among the refugees, who have come from Pakistan.

Attacking those who say CAA is discriminatory, Information and Broadcasting Minister Prakash Javadekar tweeted, "Spread Facts Not Myth: In the last 6 years, 2830 Pakistani, 912 Afghani & 172 Bangladeshi citizens have been given Indian citizenship. Many of them are from majority community of these countries."

(Published 30 December 2019, 19:48 IST)