Centre puts out Covid-19 health advisory ahead of pilgrimage seasonFor the past two weeks, India continued to report more than 10,000 fresh Covid-19 cases daily
Kalyan Ray
Last Updated IST
The Amarnath pilgrimage begins on June 30 and the Rath yatra is scheduled for July 1. Credit: PTI Photo
The Amarnath pilgrimage begins on June 30 and the Rath yatra is scheduled for July 1. Credit: PTI Photo

Ahead of the upcoming religious activities as per the Hindu calendar, the Union Ministry of Health on Tuesday asked the states to ensure only asymptomatic individuals and individuals who were fully vaccinated against Covid-19 undertake the popular pilgrimages.

The annual religious season—for pilgrimages such as Amarnath yatra and Char Dham yatra, Rath yatra in Odisha and Kanwar yatras to Haridwar, each of which involve large scale congregations of people—is about to begin. The health ministry advised states to organise special vaccination camps at transit points and to also ensure two-dose vaccination for health workers, frontline workers and volunteers attending such camps.

For the past two weeks, India continued to report more than 10,000 fresh Covid-19 cases daily, the ministry also told the states to intensify disease surveillance mechanisms during pilgrimages.


“During many such events/yatras, lakhs of individuals undertake intra- and inter-state journeys spanning hundreds of kilometres, with halting points arranged by volunteers and community-based social/religious organisations. Such congregations may potentially facilitate transmission of infectious diseases including Covid-19,” Union Health Secretary Rajesh Bhushan wrote to the states.

“If need be, a special drive for primary vaccination and precaution dose administration to all eligible people may be taken by the administration at least a fortnight in advance for those planning to join. Adequate arrangements for tests (RTPCR and RAT) shall be done across multiple locations,” he added.

The Amarnath pilgrimage begins on June 30 and the Rath yatra is scheduled for July 1. The Kanwar yatras will continue for the whole of Hindu calendar month of Shravan (July 23-Aug 22), while there would be a rush to visit Kedar and Badri in the same period. Even after the rush, the Char Dham route will remain open to tourists till October.

The government advisory comes at a time when experts have suggested that the government should increase its surveillance to check if the surge is being driven by any new SARS-CoV-2 variants. The experts also suggested restoring behavioural norms such as wearing face masks that have largely been discarded by people.

The health ministry also asked the states to strengthen disease surveillance, not just for Covid-19 but other diseases as well, while keeping a close watch on the clusters of new Covid cases.

Public meetings, prayers, seating and lodging arrangements on all pilgrimage routes and halting points should be made outdoors or in well-ventilated areas with provision of thermal screening and hand washing, the notification said.

Additional precautions need to be taken by elderly persons and those with co-morbidities (such as diabetes, hypertension, chronic lung/liver or kidney diseases) while planning to participate in such events. The participants need to consult their treating doctor and take their medications throughout the period while monitoring their health.

(Published 28 June 2022, 20:19 IST)