Farm law supporters upset at Modi's repeal announcementBKS General Secretary Badrinarayan Chaudhary said the Prime Minister’s announcements would only avoid unwarranted controversies and conflicts
Sagar Kulkarni
Last Updated IST
RSS affiliated Bhartiya Kisan Sangh (BKS) was one of the organisations in favour of the farm laws. Credit: PTI File Photo
RSS affiliated Bhartiya Kisan Sangh (BKS) was one of the organisations in favour of the farm laws. Credit: PTI File Photo

Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s surprise announcement to repeal the three farm laws have left its supporters upset.

“This is an unfortunate decision for both the farmers and the country. This will set the clock back to the era where farmers will not have too many options to sell their produce,” Anil Ghanwat, a leader of the Shetkari Sanghatana, told DH.

He said the decision to repeal the three farm laws was purely political with an eye on the assembly elections in Punjab and Uttar Pradesh.


Ghanwat was a member of the committee of experts set up by the Supreme Court to examine the three farm laws and make suggestions.

RSS affiliated Bhartiya Kisan Sangh (BKS) too was unhappy at the Prime Minister’s announcement and said it will not be beneficial to the farmers in the long run.

BKS General Secretary Badrinarayan Chaudhary said the Prime Minister’s announcements would only avoid unwarranted controversies and conflicts.

“Such arrogant attitude of these so called farmer leaders is not beneficial for the small farmers of our country in the long run,” Chaudhary said.

He said the real problem facing farmers was exploitation in the markets and demanded that a system that guaranteed profitable prices to farmers for their agricultural produce was the need of the hour.

Ghanwat expressed unhappiness over the announcement to repeal the three farm laws.

“Now, the old laws would continue that have prompted hundreds of farmers to commit suicide, the same laws that prevent better remunerative market for the farmers’ produce,” he said.

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(Published 19 November 2021, 21:10 IST)