Guidelines to minimise health hazards to workers
Last Updated IST

In order to limit exposure to silica and prevent silicosis, a circular issued by the labour department has asked industries, factories, project developers and contractors employing workers as stone crushers, stone quarry, construction work, glass manufacturing, quartz crushing, stone mines and other silicon dust producing works, to ensure the control of dust at work site.

They must also eliminate the use of abrasive blasting materials that contain more than one per cent crystalline silica and use dust control methods such as blast cabinets and wet drilling or sawing, it said, adding that the employers must also maintain dust control systems.

The workers must wear disposable or washable protective clothing, take shower and change clothes before leaving the worksite if possible, the circular said, adding there must be a regular monitoring of air to ensure that control systems are working.

Workers must be provided with respirators approved for protection to be used against crystalline silica containing dust when levels can not be kept below the Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL), it said adding the employers must provide medical check-ups to workers exposed to crystalline silica.

Workers must be provided with protective equipment and training materials on the health effects of silica exposure, it added.

(Published 02 February 2010, 18:12 IST)