Hyderabad to employ first robo cop
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Hyderabad to employ first robo cop
Hyderabad to employ first robo cop
Taking a leaf from the 1987 cyberpunk action film Robo Cop, a start-up firm H-Bots Robotics, will come out with a police robot — the world’s second — by December, for commercial use.

Jayesh Ranjan, Principal Secretary, IT, Telangana, inaugurated Makers Leeway, a high-end robotics lab for start-ups and robotics enthusiasts here at Gachibowli, a first-of-its-kind facility in South India and second in India.

The IT secretary unveiled H-Bots card, which will enable robotics researchers to use research facilities in 40 such labs across India, and also the design of the police robot.

The world’s first humanoid robot was built in France and deployed in Dubai.

But, the police robot in India will be fully indigenous.

“The prototype will be ready by September. We will test it for two months and deploy it on December 31 at the Jubilee Hills check post. We will have to finalise those details with the police and government,” Kisshhan PSV, the founder of H-Bots Robotics Pvt Ltd informed.

He said, unlike the police robot in Dubai — which moves only on wheels — this robot can walk, recognise people, take complaints and also diffuse bombs.  

“We are building a capacity to produce 10 such private police robots, which can act as private security guards and can be deployed in hotels, hospitals and offices,” he said. The 10 robots will be built in a year.
(Published 07 July 2017, 02:19 IST)