The Good Wife, a 17-minute short film, directed by Prataya Saha and produced by Red Polka Production, is a story about a housewife and the happenings in her life on a single day. The film throws light on the highs and lows, happiness and sadness that she goes on in 24 hours. The story is set in Kolkata in 1992. The film delves into how societal conditioning of women puts a lot of pressure on them. In an interview with Metrolife, the actor and producer
Anshulika Kapoor, talks about what makes the film different.
Could you talk about your character?
The story revolves around a single character, that of a housewife of 90s. She is loving, caring, dutiful and loyal. She tries her best to live up to the title of ‘The Good Wife.’ Her world is her family. There are scenes in the film that portray her courage. There’s a scene where she braves a curfew in the city to get her husband’s favourite dish across to him on their wedding anniversary.
What makes this film different ?
The subject and the style of narration is what sets this apart. It has won multiple awards overseas and in India for almost every category, including editing, sound, music and acting. It has also been recognised as the best film in the audience choice award slot. These awards have come six months after the completion of the film.
What do you think won this film so many awards?
The non-linear way of storytelling is an attractive format. Some portions in the film have been kept a little abstract. There is no spoon-feeding and this makes the contents thoroughly engaging. I also think the simplicity of the story and the treatment of the film is very unique.
The film ‘The Good Wife’ will screen on December 21, 6 pm at Suchitra Film Society.