How to have good mental healthMetrolife asks mental health professionals to define a mentally healthy person, and offer advice on how to be one. Today is World Mental Health Day
Theres Sudeep
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Neha Cadabam
Neha Cadabam

Self-care is important

Neha Cadabam, Consultant psychologist, Cadabam Hospital, Mental Health Rehabilitation Centre.

A mentally healthy person is one who is resilient and is able to comfortably deal with the tough and easy times with equal ease. Such people do face stress but are able to handle it smoothly.



*Acknowledge your emotions, and know it is okay to have low moods.
*Accept who you are and the way you are. Self-acceptance and self-care are of utmost importance.
*When in distress, reach out for help, either from a professional or from someone you trust.

Be contented, work for future

Dr Gurudatta, Founder of Anandamaya Wellness
Centre, JP Nagar

Mental well being is a combination of a physical body free of ailment, a well maintained pranic body, emotional adjustment and intellectual reasoning.


*Work around daily stress.

*Be contented with what you have as you work towards future goals.

*Eat healthy, exercise and sleep adequately.

Have friends who support you

Sheela Dange, coordinator for the Centre for Extended Education and Counselor, Mount Carmel College.

A mentally healthy person is one who is emotionally honest, and can retain one’s self in every situation.


*Have friends who support you and don’t pressure you to do what you don’t want to do.

*Always have a hobby and be focused on your goals.

*Maintain a good relationship with parents rooted in open communication.

Exercise to avoid stuck thoughts

Deepthi Rao, Yoga teacher

A mentally healthy person is one who can handle both the ups and downs of life without getting too excited or bogged down. Being aware that feelings are temporary is an important marker of good mental health.


*If you feel low, always reach out to someone you trust.
*Physical activity helps you out if you are stuck with your thoughts.
*Be aware of what you’re eating. Make fresh fruits and vegetables a part of your diet.

Engage in meaningful activities

Dr Jyotsna Agrawal, assistant professor, Department of Clinical Psychology, NIMHANS

A mentally healthy person is one who has the ability to have close relationships, can go beyond oneself, and have a sense of meaning in life and work.


*Spend time with yourself, engage in reflections of the day (things learnt, things that you would like to do differently). Meditation is also helpful.
*Spend time on relationships that go deep, develop trust and sharing.
*Engage in meaningful activities beyond work, alone or with other people.

WHO’s definition

According to the World Health Organization, mental health is “a state of well-being in which every individual realises his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his community.”

(Published 09 October 2019, 20:04 IST)