Magic on pianokey notes
Last Updated IST

The International Music and Art Society and the Forum for Teachers of Western Classical Music will present Julian Clef, a young pianist prodigy, in a concert on July 23, 7 pm at the Alliance Francaise.

Julian received no formal piano training until 2006 when he was accepted by Chetham’s School of Music in Manchester.

Since then he has been studying piano under the direction of Murray McLachlan.
He has had lessons and master classes from leading international pianists including Bernard Roberts, John Lil, Noriko Ogewa, Younty Solomon, Leon McCawley, Nadia Lasserson etc.

Julian was a semi-finalist in the 22 years and under category of the Manchester International Concerto Competition playing the Mozart Concerto No 20 in D Minor which he was invited to perform with the Heisenberg Ensemble at St Andrews University, Scotland in February 2008.

Julian also won the Chetham’s Beethoven Competition and the Beethoven Junior Inter-Collegiate Piano Competition held at the Bluthner Centre in London. He is pursuing a four-year honours degree course in music at the Royal Northern College of Music to realise his dream of being a concert pianist.
Tickets for his concert are available at the Cafe de la liberte, Alliance Francaise from July 17.

(Published 16 July 2010, 18:08 IST)