What happens when you dial 112 for help? A night with Bengaluru's Hoysalas
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If you live in Bengaluru, the city's mobile patrol vehicles, the Hoysalas are hard to miss. Hoysalas take their name from the 12th century Kannada kingdom that ruled most of present day Karnataka.
Legend has it that a young man named Sala, was urged to strike down a tiger when his guru exhorted him: Hoy Sala, or Strike Sala.
Sala, according to this legend, went on to find the dynasty.

Today, the Hoysalas are the first responders of Bengaluru police. In March, the Bengaluru city police commissioner, B Dayanada took some drastic steps to increase the effectiveness of the Hoysalas. 

The aim is to reduce the average response time of Hoysalas to 7-8 minutes.
To verify the claim of the police commissioner, DH spent a night with the Hoysala team. 


Watch the video to see the Hoysalas in action.

(Published 14 April 2024, 12:38 IST)