Come to school, study and take exams: CM Bommai to students after Karnataka HC verdict on hijab banHe urged students to refrain from boycotting exams in the wake of the High Court order
Bharath Joshi
Last Updated IST
CM Basavaraj Bommai. Credit: DH File Photo
CM Basavaraj Bommai. Credit: DH File Photo

Karnataka Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai on Tuesday made an appeal to students, urging them to focus on their education by accepting the High Court order that upholds uniforms inside classrooms.

“The High Court has upheld uniforms and that Hijab isn’t an essential religious practice,” Bommai said.

“This was a question on the future of our children’s education. Nothing is more important than education,” Bommai said.


He urged students to refrain from boycotting exams in the wake of the HC order. “I say to all students, your education is important. Don’t boycott exams or stay outside. Take your exams and shape your future,” Bommai said.

The ruling BJP was under attack throughout the Hijab controversy, with the Opposition Congress accusing the Bommai government of communalising the issue.

“Everyone should follow the HC order. We should maintain calm and peace. I appeal to citizens, community leaders, parents and students…let’s accept this order and cooperate with education of our children,” Bommai said.

He also warned against any attempts to disturb peace. “We have made law-and-order arrangements. Those who take law into their own hands will face stringent action,” he said.

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(Published 15 March 2022, 10:58 IST)