Ramdas has big plans for distDMs office to cater to peoples queries among others
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These are among the major plans on cards by Medical Education and district in-charge Minister S A Ramdas hoping to bring in some changes in the existing set up.

He was speaking at an interaction organised by the Mysore District Journalists Association (MDJA) at Patrakarthara Bhavana in the city on Saturday.

Elaborating on his plans, Ramdas said the DM’s office (District Minister) will be a reality within November. It will consist of the nodal officers representing all the taluks, attending to the works regarding 18 major departments.

This will help in checking people from running from pillar to post, besides creating an impression that their queries are attended at DM’s office. Ramdas said the nodal officers would attend to the work of both department and also people in general.

On work charter, he said the files have to be cleared to assure speedy functioning at the government hospitals and colleges. He said he will discuss it with both Law and Department of Personnel before going ahead. Ramdas asserted that within one year, he aims to make district slum free making it a model for the entire State.

Saying that the district has slipped to 24th slot in SSLC results in belittling the image of education hub, the Minister said he will form a panel of service minded persons, vesting some powers with them to enable them take decisions. An interaction programme will be arranged to elicit the opinion of the public on general issues, in the presence of Deputy Commissioner, he added. Also, he announced that he will come out with action take report (ATR) by October next.

“I don’t want to create an illusion that the district Minister will do magic”, said Ramdas stating he is optimistic of keeping up his words.

President, Mysore District Journalists Association (MDJA) K Shivakumar, general secretary B S Prabhurajan, secretary K Shashikumar and treasurer Kundur Umesh Bhat were present.

(Published 30 October 2010, 23:49 IST)