Train from Kabakaputtur leaves for Lucknow
Last Updated IST
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Representative image

A Shramik Special train departed from Kabakaputtur to Lucknow with 1,520 passengers on Saturday. The train has 18 sleeper and 2 general second class compartments. The train will reach Lucknow on Monday (06:30 am).

The railways' has made wearing face masks mandatory for all registered passengers to be ferried in Shramik Specials. To maintain personal hygiene, an adequate quantity of soap and sanitisers had been provided in all the compartments.

Before boarding, the passengers were explained about the precautions to be observed, given the highly infectious nature of the disease. Upon arrival, the passengers at the station were guided to the coaches by the railway staff after thermal temperature check.


As per the extant guidelines issued by the Ministry of Railways, the empty rakes underwent sanitization following the standard protocols. A total of six Railway Protection Force personnel will be escorting the train, end-to-end, for coordinating with Government Railway Police/State Police of the respective state governments in the path of the train to sort out any logistic or law and order issues smoothly, informed Priya Shetty, Divisional Commercial Manager and PRO.