Tur rate survives entry of avare
Last Updated IST
The new king: Tur pods heaped near a field on the outskirts of Srinivaspur. dh photo
The new king: Tur pods heaped near a field on the outskirts of Srinivaspur. dh photo

The prices of almost all vegetables normally fall when the avare season begins. This year, however, there has not been any significant decrease in the price of any vegetable in the markets.

Tur was the most widely-grown crop in the taluk this year. Thanks to the timely rains, the farmers have reaped a bumper crop. Although the supply is therefore good, the price is the same now as it was at the start of the tur season- Rs 25 to Rs 30 per kilogram.
This time, however, few farmers have brought tur grains to sell. Most of them have brought the pods to the market. It is still a strange occurence that the supply of pods too has not influenced the price.

Middlemen, who used to buy the pods at the markets are now buying them from the farmers right from the fields.The soil has retained the moisture, promising a second crop of tur.

Climate destroys avare
The climatic extremities this year destroyed the avare crop in most places. The flowers fell off as the clouds hovering over the fields refused to make way for the sun.The supply of avare has therefore taken a beating. Many businessmen deem this as the reason for the increase in the rate of tur.

Other vegetables
The price of onion has seen a bit of reduction but garlic remains constant. The quality of garlic supplied, however, is not very good. Customers are becoming thrifty buying onions and garlic. Tomato too is getting costlier by the day.People continue to wonder how to make do without such everyday vegetables.

(Published 30 December 2010, 22:31 IST)