Rajini praises BJP for ‘river linking’ project
ETB Sivapriyan
Last Updated IST
 Tamil superstar Rajinikanth. PTI file photo
Tamil superstar Rajinikanth. PTI file photo

Two months back, Tamil superstar Rajinikanth had asked his fans to vote for a party who they believed would permanently solve the water crisis in Tamil Nadu by forming a “stable and strong” government at the Centre. On Tuesday, he appeared before the media to praise the BJP for including implementation of linking of rivers across the country in its manifesto saying such a move would “end half of poverty” in the country.

Rajinikanth’s praising of the BJP manifesto comes on a day Prime Minister Narendra Modi is scheduled to address a public meeting to seek votes for AIADMK-BJP alliance in Coimbatore. Though the superstar did not say it in explicit terms, political analysts interpreted the statement by Rajinikanth as one that is in complete support of the BJP.

“The BJP released its manifesto only yesterday and I happy to see that they have included implementation of linking of rivers as one of the promises. I am very happy because I have always been a votary of the project and had even suggested to the then Prime Minister A B Vajpayee that the project be named as ‘Bhagirathi Yojana’,” Rajinikanth said.

He said the mention of linking of rivers is a “welcome step” and said the NDA Government if comes back to power, should take up the project immediately. “By God’s grace and people’s blessings, we don’t what results will people give for the BJP, if the NDA front comes to power, they should take this up as one of their first projects,” Rajinikanth said.

While announcing his decision not to contest April 18 Lok Sabha polls on February 17, Rajinikanth had refused to support any political party for the elections and issued a diktat to his fans not use Rajini Makkal Mandram’s name and flag during the campaign trail.

Contending that water was the main issue that is facing Tamil Nadu, the actor has asked his fans to think wise and vote for a party that would solve the state’s water issues. “Please vote for the party who you think will form a stable and strong government at the Centre and formulate good policies that would solve Tamil Nadu’s water woes,” the actor had said in his statement.

The actor has been distancing himself from the BJP in the past few months after his infatuation towards the saffron party cost him heavily – Rajinikanth’s statement supporting the police firing in Thoothukudi and ridiculing the Opposition’s efforts to cobble up a coalition did not cut ice with the people.

Tuesday’s statement would certainly give room for speculation on what Rajinikanth actually meant by supporting linking of rivers. But, the actor will not be around in Chennai as he will fly to Mumbai for the shooting of his next film ‘Durbar’.

(Published 09 April 2019, 17:23 IST)