Senior citizens get help to write their will
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An NGO working for the older citizens has launched a scheme to provide legal assistance to them to write their will and keep it in safe hands.

"It has been seen that when family members and relatives of old people came to know of their will details, they make it a bone of contention. This leads to family quarrels and tension in their lives leading to discomforts in many ways," says Himanshu Rath, founder of Agewell Foundation who has launched the initiative.

"Senior citizens always fear about safety of their will as it may fall in unwanted hands. Many opt for bank lockers or their solicitors to keep them safe which costs them a lot for longer periods. And in absence of assurance of safety, older persons prefer not to write any will  causing family feud later," says Rath.

The helplinne run by Agewell for older persons was flooded with inquries related to making a will and its safety.

"So we thought to launch our initiative in this regard," says Rath.

There are legal advisors to help senior citizens in making the will and a lifetime fee of Rs 1500 will be charged. The draft can be downloaded either from the NGO's website or its available through post also.

Sealed envelopes with the final document can be deposited with Agewell Foundation for safe custody by willmaker in person in presence of 2 witnesses. It will be handed over to the desired person either after the demise of the will maker or whenever he wants.

The will-maker can ask for his document for making changes as and when required in the presence of the two witnesses.

A locker has been taken in a bank where all the documents will be kept.
Satish Jain, a former bank-employee, says he is relieved after making his will and assued of its safety.

"I have toiled hard whole life to earn some property. I have made my will and I am done with my final responsibility. My children will see my will after I am gone and will stay happy and in peace," he says.

Experts say that its most advisable for senior citizens to make a will.

"A person earns through out his life and its important that his property is inherited by the people he wants to give it to," says Delhi-based lawyer Sanjeev Singh.

"It also helps in keeping peace in the family. Once a will has been made, senior citizens should get it registered as well so that a parallel record is available with the Government," he adds.

In the absence of a will, a deceased male's property is inherited by his mother, wife and children while in case of a female, it goes to her husband and children

(Published 23 August 2010, 12:18 IST)