Trump fan in Telangana installs 6 feet statue at home
J B S Umanadh
Last Updated IST
Statue of US President Donald Trump at Bussa Krishna's home
Statue of US President Donald Trump at Bussa Krishna's home

Bussa Krishna a 31-year-old farmer in Konne Village of Janagaon district in Telangana who has been worshipping American President Donald Trump since he took over as the president of that country finally installed the six feet statue of his favourite leader at his home.

As one enters the house Krishna the 6-feet tall statue of Donald Trump will be there to greet them. Krishna, alias Krish Raju, erected the status on the 73 birthday of the US President on 14 June. There was a buffet lunch at his home for the entire village marking the occasion. The villagers who consider him as a mad man and a pervert, however, attended the lunch and greeted the leader of the most powerful nation located on the other side of the globe.“

Speaking to reporters in June 2018 Krish announced his intentions to erect a statue for the leader. “I am his diehard fan, I worship him every day and I conduct puja to his photo frame that I keep at my pooja room,” says Krish. He has been celebrating the birthday of Trump every year since the Republican won the elections.


The cement statue of the US president with a smiling face with his thumbs up gesture cost him Rs 1.30 lakh. The statue was made by a sculptor in neighbouring Kolanupaka village as per the design and specifications given by Krish. A widower Krish and his 6-year old son stay with his maternal grandparents.

What impressed the farmer from Telangana is the determination of Trump to bring back the lost glory of his country. “Many people ask me about the strained trade relations between India and America. But he is only protecting his s country’s interests come what may. If he is sending back illegal immigrants then he is not targeting India alone,” he says. Krish is aware of the present status of relations between the two great democracies thanks to the recent stream of telephonic interviews he is giving to journalist across the globe.

He recalls the support extended by Trump on Pakistan for the release of Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman. “Trump always supported India and Narendra Modi. He greeted when Narendra Modi got elected as PM for the second time. Trump greeted him and declared that India is his friend,” he said.

(Published 19 June 2019, 20:53 IST)