Osteoporosis is a condition that occurs due to porous bones, which in turn happen due to lack of calcium and Vitamin D intake.
Insufficient minerals such as calcium, magnesium and phosphorus in the body cause the bones to become brittle and may lead to painful bone fractures.
Here’s how you can avoid those brittle bones:
-For women with calcium deficiency, it is essential to consume 1000 mg of calcium every day. Milk is one of the best sources and plays an important role in protecting your bones and making them grow stronger. You can substitute milk with flavoured milkshakes to avoid boredom. Consuming milk processed with ultra-high temperature (UHT) technology is the safest and most reliable option.
- Vitamin D is necessary for the body to absorb calcium. Good sources are natural sunlight and milk, egg yolks, saltwater fish, liver and supplements. Being in the sun for just 15 minutes a day helps the body produce and activate vitamin D. While it gets difficult for working women to spend time in the sun, they may take a quick walk after lunch or in between meetings to ensure the sun shines on them.
- Regular physical activity is one of the most important ways to decrease the risk of falls and broken bones. At work, one can perform simple stretching exercises, such as chest stretch, shoulder shrug and spinal twist to remove tension in the joints.
-All women over 65 years of age and anyone who has a bone fracture after 50 years should get a bone density test done. Bone density tests are safe, painless, quick (five to ten minutes) and indicate the health of bones.
Get the test done to understand your risk levels and take the necessary
(The author is chief dietician, Max Healthcare, Delhi)