Every action has a consequenceEvery action has a consequence means that every decision or action we take can lead to a result, big or small, good or bad, visible or invisible.
Nazeer Ahmed Kazi
Last Updated IST
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When you decide on some action, think of its consequences. If they are good, go ahead with them and if they are bad, refrain from them.  Generally people just take matters at their face value and rush into them without thinking. This is not the proper way of going about doing things. A person should study matters carefully from every angle , weigh the pros and cons before deciding on a course of action to be taken. He should particularly take note of other’s probable reaction.


Are people likely to stand in his way? If so, does he have the capability to over come the obstacles they pose? Is he in a position to surmount all
the hurdles which are likely to be strewn in his path, winning to his final goal? He should consider what the social and political repercussions of his actions will be.

Only if he is confident that his work will have beneficial consequences should he embark on it. Every action has a consequence. Every decision we make causes an action that results in a consequence. If you lie or spread falsehood about someone, there will be consequences. If you help some one in need, even if they don’t reward you, you feel good about yourself and there are positive consequences.

Every action has a consequence means that every decision or action we take can lead to a result, big or small, good or bad, visible or invisible.

For example, killing some one can lead to other consequences. Sri Krishna in Bhagavad Gita said  one of the most important things about action: that every action has a consequence.

A man came before Prophet Muhammad(s) and asked him for some advise. The prophet said to him: “When you decide on some action, think of its consequence, If they are good, go ahead with it; and if they are bad, refrain from it.”

The only initiative worth taking is one that will yield positive results. If one embarks on a destructive course of action, it will be oneself that suffers: therefore one should steer clear of such actions as any sensible person steers clear of destroying his own life. The Bible says “consequences are outcomes, either negative or positive, of our actions. You can not escape, or avoid the consequences of your actions."

(Published 29 May 2024, 03:22 IST)