Harshness destroys, gentleness shapesGentleness does not mean weakness but it is a strength born of empathy and understanding. It is the art of treating others with kindness and respect. It is nurtured by a mature and seasoned temperament.
Jayanthi Chandrasekaran
Last Updated IST
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Credit: DH Illustration

The River Piedra in Spain during its course divides up to form dozens of waterfalls. Beneath one of the waterfalls stands a grotto whose stone walls have been worn smooth by time, the beautiful shapes patiently created by Nature. A plaque next to the grotto bears the words of Rabindranath Tagore, “It wasn’t the sculptor’s hammer that shaped these stones so perfectly. It was the water, with its gentleness, its dance, and its song. Harshness destroys, gentleness shapes.”


Aesop’s fable teaches a valuable lesson that gentleness always wins out over force. Once the Wind and the Sun entered into a debate over who was more powerful and influential. The Wind claimed that it was more powerful, while the Sun felt that it was supreme. They agreed to a contest.

They said that whoever could make a person remove his coat would win. So they picked a man who was making his way home on a long trip by foot. The Wind went first. It blew hard so that the man’s coat comes off. It huffed and puffed. But the harder the wind blew, the more intently the man wrapped his coat tightly around himself.

The Wind tried for a long time to get the man to take his coat off, but miserably failed. Next, the Sun had its turn. It began to send warm rays down, gently upon the man. After a while the man began to feel warm. He unbuttoned his coat. The sun continued to shine on him. Finally, the man felt warm enough and took off his coat. With a smile, the Sun said to the Wind, “As you can see, my warm, loving ways made him remove his coat, while your strong, forceful ways caused him to resist.”

Gentleness does not mean weakness but it is a strength born of empathy and understanding. It is the art of treating others with kindness and respect. It is nurtured by a mature and seasoned temperament.

Gentleness is a lush rose bush with no thorns. Its imperishable beauty and sweet fragrance invite people to inhale deeply of its aroma with no threat of harm.

Harshness may temporarily assert control or dominance but ultimately destroys bonds, breaks spirits and leaves wounds that take a long time to heal. In contrast, the power of gentleness to shape lives and heal hearts cannot be overstated.

(Published 25 June 2024, 06:15 IST)