Implicit obedience is not ethicalWhy do some people choose to dominate over and subjugate others to implicit obedience? Is it because of the innate desire of a human being , rather even animals, to pounce over the weak species? Or to have a commanding position and a superior state?
A V R Rao
Last Updated IST
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Implicit obedience, in contrast to receiving direct orders,  refers to rules that are implied in environment and circumstances and do not really need to be explained and instructed by someone.    It is inherent in the nature of something and is a form of dutiful or submissive behaviour in relation to another person.  When we think about the opposite - explicit obedience -,  it is about an order given by someone with a higher status, and the higher the position of that person, the more chances he/she is to be obeyed mandatorily.   It is something implied rather than stated and everybody understands and mostly follows it. Examples are aplenty,  like seniors and  juniors in work environment, parents and children, seniors and juniors in schools and military, shopping and services, spouse and close relatives,  friends, and so on.   Recall all historical wars for demanding slavery  and subjugation. While there are a few positive benefits like organised institutions and orderly societies, its harmful implications outnumber them.   Exploitations and harassment of the weaker sections of the society is just a solitary case to mention. 


The background,  walls of ego are self built; they are so with the victim mentality too.  Nobody forces you to be a victim. It is your own assumption;  you choose to be a victim of oppression and superior behaviour.    But, It increases the gap in the  understanding and friendship between two  people.     It is nothing but self built.  And everybody will have a better life if dominance and victim syndrome are not encouraged.

The paradoxical question is this.    

Why do some people choose to dominate over  and subjugate others to implicit obedience?   Is it because of the innate desire of a human being , rather even animals, to pounce over the weak species? Or to have a commanding position and a superior state?  Another paradox is this.  Sometimes even the so-called victim would willingly submit to the authority and commands of superiority of another as also be humble and then follow and assume to play victim?.  Don’t be a victim of surrender mania.  If at all you see and feel pleasure in the act of surrendering, do so to God. Remember Krishna in the Gita, Manmana bhava madbhaktah madhyaji maam namaskuru (always think of Me, be devoted to Me, worship Me, and offer obeisance to Me).  Unfortunately, both the perpetrators and the preys are ignorant of their identity: mirror images of the Almighty of God. If they realise that they neither dominate on others and expect such implicit obedience nor the victim assumes such implicit obligation.  

(Published 23 July 2024, 03:48 IST)