So much light I love this nightA selection of verses from the Open Sesame readers
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<div class="paragraphs"><p>Representative image poetry. <br></p></div>

Representative image poetry.

Credit: Pixabay Photo

Please note: You may use a generic poetry pic for children. 



No walls between us,
No hindrance to our delight,
Everyone bustling with festive fuss,
Spirits blazing bright.
The beauty of fireworks,
The sound of music,
Playing as the people in the works
Danced till they grew sick.
The bliss of sacred festivities,
And the ecstasy of celebration
Make us forget our enmities.

Niharika, 16
Bengaluru, Karnataka


The festival of lights has come, 
That brings happiness to all
And sorrow to none.
The victory of good over evil,
That brings a smile on the faces of the people. 
We worship god,
So that we can fear not. 
The bursting of crackers,
The sounds of children’s laughter. 
The gifts and sweets from loved ones, 
The love they give us in tons. 
It’s the arrival of the festival of lights,
Let’s make our city shine bright. 

Prerana Rai, 12
Bengaluru, Karnataka 


Oh god, I am grateful for you,
To have a day like this.
This day is full of joy,
I love this night.
Oh god, I am grateful for you,
To see a night like this,
With full moon light,
With sound of crackers and
Deepavali lights.
Oh god, I thank you very much
To have a day like this.

Niharika Sagar G K, 13
Bengaluru, Karnataka 

Festival of lights 

A 5-day-long religious festival,
Filled with diyas of hope, 
And crackers of splendour, 
Diwali lights up the world. 
With delectable delicacies 
And mouth-watering desserts, 
Family gatherings are never more joyous 
As Diwali lights up the world. 
Days of constant intermingling 
Brimmed with new social
connections and culture shocks, 
Diwali lights up the world. 

Spoorti Shankar, 14
Bengaluru, Karnataka

(Published 18 November 2023, 00:59 IST)