Today's Horoscope - February 12, 2022 | Free Online Astrology
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Today's Horoscope - February 12, 2022
Today's Horoscope - February 12, 2022
Aries | A loved one wants more space. A new attraction comes at a cost. Move forward with care. Sudden romantic encounters could lead to serious repercussions. Try to keep your emotions under control today | Lucky Colour: Yellow | Lucky Number: 2 | Credit: Pixabay
Taurus | A period of change and transition begins, with the moon bringing new endeavours to fruition. Singles may find an opportunity to cross the frontier of romance. Travel, study, or people from overseas may be involved | Lucky Colour: Chrome | Lucky Number: 3 | Credit: Pixabay
Gemini | Disorganisation and lack of information frustrates you. Work on strengthening your support network. Do not spend too much money or you will find yourself outside your limits | Lucky Colour: Orange | Lucky Number: 6 | Credit: Pixabay
Cancer | It is time to go through your possessions and get rid of what's not needed. If you have loose ends hanging about in your life, remove them. This is a moving-on time with much sorting to do and the need for changes knocking at the door | Lucky Colour: Lemon | Lucky Number: 5 | Credit: Pixabay
Leo | By allowing things to flow outside your expectations you may add in a new dimension that hadn't occurred to you till now. Watch out for new romances because some of them may not be what you expect | Lucky Colour: Peach | Lucky Number: 8 | Credit: Pixabay
Virgo | You need to calm down your curiosity and the need for stimulation. Be aware of relationship issues, as one may turn out to be not doing so well and you have to reassess there. Be honest with yourself and others and you'll be doing fine | Lucky Colour: White | Lucky Number: 4 | Credit: Pixabay
Libra | Lack of communication causes angry family discussions. Emphasis on home — repairs, purchase, renovation. Mars adds an edge to your talk and activates your career, but beware of detractors out to cause trouble | Lucky Colour: Amber | Lucky Number: 9 | Credit: Pixabay
Scorpio | Bone and lower back problems may persist. Rigorous exercises or physical training should be avoided. Career wise a new opportunity opens up. Time to decide if lateral growth is just as good as a promotion | Lucky Colour: Mauve | Lucky Number: 7 | Credit: Pixabay
Sagittarius | Put feelings aside, and meet your targets for today. Barring minor frustrations today could be productive. If you try to manipulate emotional situations you will find yourself alienated | Lucky Colour: Olive green | Lucky Number: 1 | Credit: Pixabay
Capricorn | You feel more at ease with the difficult decisions you have made and you no longer feel the need to be judged. Your high energy, original ideas, and excellent memory will aid your accomplishments | Lucky Colour: Lavender | Lucky Number: 2 | Credit: Pixabay
Aquarius | A lack of support recently has made you review the way you see a certain person in your life. You're beginning to think you've got unrealistic goals, but that's not true . What you want is closer to reality than you think | Lucky Colour: Bronze | Lucky Number: 5 | Credit: Pixabay
Pisces | A new work offer is not all it seems, so find out the details before you sign. Work and personal matters may clash today, but stay calm till the mists clear | Lucky Colour: Brown | Lucky Number: 4 | Credit: Pixabay