Today's Horoscope for all sun signs - July 10, 2023
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Today's Horoscope for all sun signs - July 10, 2023
Today's Horoscope for all sun signs - July 10, 2023
ARIES: (Mar 21 - Apr 20): Doubts about current goals or alliances might in fact help you to slow down long enough to make important adjustments, and getting back on track is the focus now. Group activities will promote new love relationships. Lucky Colour: Mustard      Lucky Number: 4
TAURUS:  (Apr 21 - May 21): Today you will pick up where you left off with someone from your past. Dealing with personal, family, and home matters that have reached difficult proportions is essential. Lucky Colour: Maroon     Lucky Number: 2
GEMINI: (May 22 - Jun 21): You will manage to complete an important project. Your family may feel upset with your plans. This is an excellent time to see what has been tripping you up and for taking steps to make the necessary adjustments to bring back more balance to your life. Lucky Colour:   yellow      Lucky Number: 3
CANCER:  (Jun 22 - Jul 22): do not make any decisions in haste. Self-deception about relationships is a problem. You will be up and down emotionally. Relaxing and trusting that things will be okay if you take some needed rest can be difficult for you these days, but very necessary.  Lucky Colour: Lilac Lucky Number: 6
LEO:  (Jul 23 -Aug 21): Try not to let relatives or friends cause any friction with your partner. Stay mellow. This is a good time to clearly see what may have been preventing you from achieving your goals Lucky Colour: Amber Lucky Number: 5
VIRGO: (Aug 22 - Sept 23): Much is happening in romance- a lucky phase when the opposite sex will find you very attractive. Financial gain is possible. If you may have recently been dealing with self-doubt and fear of making changes, this is an ideal time to face fears of moving forward. Lucky Colour: Tan Lucky Number: 8
LIBRA: (Sept 24 - Oct 23): the stars stir up your sociable side today. You're in the mood for excitement and change as you mix with creative friends and hip colleagues. You will need to be extra patient with stressed family members, as dramas increase and domestic harmony is hard to find. Lucky Colour:  Teal          Lucky Number:  9
SCORPIO: (Oct 24 - Nov 22): Don’t be too dogmatic in your ideas. If you close your mind, you will inevitably shut out some people who could enrich your life in ways you don't yet understand. You need balance in your life. Lucky Colour:  Orange        Lucky Number: 6
SAGITTARIUS: (Nov23 - Dec 22): Your confidence is strong and love is favoured. This is a great day to right any wrongs and to say how you really feel about all that has transpired. You may be tempted to reveal secrets which are not yours to give away. Lucky Colour: pink          Lucky Number: 1
CAPRICORN: (Dec23 - Jan 20): Listen to other people’s ideas and try to change your perspective about a situation. Use your basic courage to resolve a situation and bring harmony to a relationship. Accept the power of your emotional energy and use that constructively Lucky Colour: Crimson Lucky Number: 7
AQUARIUS: (Jan 21 - Feb 19): You need to resolve or release painful feelings from the past and live more in the present to achieve an inner balance. Also make a proper assessment of an issue that has been bothering you and decide if you are being too judgmental. Lucky Colour: Orange Lucky Number: 8
PISCES: (Feb 20- Mar 20): A good day to change residence, or even take up a new job. A prize or even an award you have not earned may come to you. Though there will be a constant flow of money, major expenses may also crop up. Lucky Colour: Plum       Lucky Number: 4