‘Wearing a robe of snowy white...’A selection of verses from Open Sesame readers about their favourite birds
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Apsara Jayadev
Apsara Jayadev

Eurasian spoonbill

Wearing a robe of snowy white

On my beak a spot of yellow, very bright


My beak shaped like a utensil

I am the Eurasian spoonbill

I love to travel — Africa and Eurasia — my favorite destinations

Fish and small amphibians find a place in my gastric locations

I am multilingual, I speak in grunts, trumpet-ical noises and bill snap

So welcome me, the Eurasian spoonbill, give me a big clap!

Pratham Kakodkar, 15

Bengaluru, Karnataka



My favourite bird is an Eagle,

Its looks so regal.

With piercing eyes, 

It looks glorious in the sky.

Its wings, like blades

Its mystery never fades

This bird is not evil.

Its peal call, ripples.

Thus, it’s my favourite bird,

and its fame will remain in the world

Joel Nicholas, 13

Mysuru, Karnataka


Wonderful birds

With neon green and yellow feathers,

coconut found us through an adventure!

We found him on the road near a clinic,

My mom, optimistic, thought we could keep him

but our chances were slim.

A week later, we get a call from the vet

“ Keeping him is something you won’t regret!”

then he came home, and we got him a girlfriend.

Then something happened — something we could barely comprehend!

They had three chicks, small baby birds.

My family was so shocked — we couldn’t say a word

and that’s how we got all our wonderful birds!

Apsara Jayadev, 13

Bengaluru, Karnataka

(Published 20 January 2024, 04:21 IST)