'Our hearts are broken': UK newspapers mark queen's deathPoignant photographs of Queen Elizabeth II dominated the front pages of Britain's grieving newspapers on Friday, charting her journey from coronation to matriarch of the nation. (With inputs from AFP)
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The Belfast Telegraph quoted Prince Charles on their front page, "We mourn profoundly the passing of a cherished sovereign and much-loved mother"

The Herald paid tribute to the late queen by having the entire front page dedicated to her majesty

Inside the Guardian, columnist Jonathan Freedland wrote that her death heralded the start of "a new future". "The one element in our collective life that was consistently, reliably the same... has gone."

In its obituary, The Times described Elizabeth as "the woman who saved the monarchy".

The Metro carried a full page tribute for the queen with an image of her younger self

"Our hearts are broken", read the Daily Mail headline

The Daily Express carried the headline "Our Beloved Queen is Dead"

"A light has gone out on our lives. The day Britain and much of the world dreaded is upon us. She is gone," said The Sun's editorial.

Daily Mirror carried a simple message of "Thank You" for the late queen

The Telegraph carried a quote made by the queen for the victims of the September 11, 2001 attacks. "Grief is the price we pay for love," it said.

(Published 09 September 2022, 16:35 IST)