Wagner head threatens Russian army, accused of 'rebellion'The Wagner group boss Prigozhin on Friday accused the Russian military of attacking his forces.
International New York Times
Last Updated IST
Founder of Wagner private mercenary group Yevgeny Prigozhin. Credit: Reuters File Photo
Founder of Wagner private mercenary group Yevgeny Prigozhin. Credit: Reuters File Photo

Russian generals late on Friday accused Yevgeny Prigozhin, the outspoken mercenary tycoon, of trying to mount a coup against President Vladimir Putin, as the Russian authorities opened an investigation into Prigozhin for “organizing an armed rebellion.”

The long-running feud between Prigozhin and the Russian military over the war in Ukraine has now escalated into an open confrontation, setting up the biggest challenge to Putin’s authority since he launched his invasion of Ukraine 16 months ago.

Videos circulating widely on social media showed that military and national guard armoured vehicles had been deployed in Moscow and the southern city of Rostov-on-Don, near the front line in Ukraine where Prigozhin’s fighters had been operating.


Prigozhin on Friday accused the Russian military of attacking his Wagner forces and, in a series of recordings posted to social media, pledged that his fighters would retaliate. Russian authorities, in turn, accused Prigozhin — whose broadsides against the Russian Defense Ministry had been tolerated by Putin for months — of trying to foment a revolt.

“This is a stab in the back of the country and the president,” Gen. Vladimir Alekseyev, the deputy head of Russia’s military intelligence agency, said in a video appeal to Prigozhin’s fighters, urging them to call off any rebellion. “This is a coup.”

Prigozhin’s Wagner mercenary force has proved pivotal to the Russian war effort in Ukraine, but in recent months, he repeatedly chastised Russia’s top brass for alleged corruption and indifference to regular soldiers’ lives. On Friday night, he took his accusations to a new level, claiming that the Russian military had attacked Wagner encampments, killing “a huge number of fighters.”

“The evil borne by the country’s military leadership must be stopped,” Prigozhin said in one of a series of voice recordings posted to the Telegram social network after 9 p.m. Moscow time.

Minutes later, he suggested that Wagner force was prepared to go on the offensive against Russia’s Defense Ministry, saying, “There’s 25,000 of us, and we are going to figure out why chaos is happening in the country.”

He denied that the actions were a “military coup.”

“This is a march for justice,” he said in another audio message on Telegram. “Our actions aren’t interfering with the troops in any way.”

Just past midnight Moscow time, Russia’s prosecutor general announced that Prigozhin was being investigated “on suspicion of organizing an armed rebellion” and would face as much as 20 years in prison if prosecuted.

The Wagner leader then defiantly took to Telegram again, saying his fighters were approaching the city of Rostov-on-Don and adding: “We are going farther. We will go to the end.”

Prigozhin’s whereabouts remained unclear, and there was no immediate confirmation that his forces were actually approaching the city.

While President Volodymyr Zelenskyy of Ukraine had yet to comment as of Friday night, one of his advisers, Mykhailo Podolyak, warned on Twitter that “tumultuous times are coming” for Russia.

White House officials said they were following the events, but would not say much more. “We are monitoring the situation and will be consulting with allies and partners on these developments,” said Adam Hodge, a National Security Council spokesman.

Prigozhin, a St. Petersburg restaurateur who leveraged his personal connections with Putin into lucrative government contracts, gained international prominence after his online “troll factory” interfered in the 2016 American presidential election — and after his Wagner fighters were deployed in Syria and across Africa as a shadow force believed to be fighting for Kremlin interests.

For months the Russian war effort has been hampered by the bitter feud between Prigozhin and top military leaders, whom he has accused in scathing terms of incompetence in conducting the war. He has asserted that Russia’s top brass have refused to provide Wagner forces with needed ammunition even as they fought alongside the Russian military for control of the Ukrainian city of Bakhmut.

But never before had Prigozhin accused Russia’s military leaders of attacking his forces, nor asserted in such stark terms that the Kremlin’s stated justification for the war was nonsense.

In a 30-minute video released on Friday, Prigozhin had described his country’s invasion of Ukraine as a “racket” perpetrated by a corrupt elite chasing money and glory without concern for Russian lives.

He also accused the Russian minister of defence, Sergei Shoigu, of orchestrating a deadly attack with missiles and helicopters on camps to the rear of the Russian lines in Ukraine, where his soldiers of fortune were bivouacked. And he accused Shoigu of overseeing the strikes himself from the town of Rostov-on-Don in southern Russia, near Ukraine.

Prigozhin’s claims could not be immediately verified. The Russian defence ministry denied the allegations, saying in a statement that the messages Prigozhin had posted about supposed strikes on Wagner camps “do not correspond to reality.”

Dmitry Peskov, the Kremlin’s spokesperson, said that Putin was “aware of all events around Prigozhin,” according to Interfax, a Russian news agency.

Prigozhin’s accusations created a ripple effect among Russian pro-war activists, who fear that an open conflict between the army and Wagner forces could threaten the Russian front lines during the Ukrainian counteroffensive. In Ukraine, some viewed his statements as more evidence of internal divisions within the Russian war effort.

In an earlier videotaped speech, Prigozhin did not explicitly impugn Putin, instead casting him as a leader being misled by his officials. But in dismissing the Kremlin’s narrative that the invasion was an existential necessity for the Russian nation, Prigozhin went further than anyone in Russia’s security establishment in publicly challenging the wisdom of the war.

“The war wasn’t needed to return Russian citizens to our bosom, nor to demilitarize or denazify Ukraine,” Prigozhin said, referring to Putin’s initial justifications for the war. “The war was needed so that a bunch of animals could simply exult in glory.”

Friday’s diatribes deepened the enigma of Prigozhin’s ambiguous role in Putin’s system. His Wagner troops, composed of veteran fighters as well as thousands of convicts whom Prigozhin personally recruited from Russian prisons, proved key in capturing the Ukrainian city of Bakhmut in May after a monthslong battle.

But, during the battle for Bakhmut, Prigozhin also emerged as a populist political figure, excoriating Russia’s military leadership for corruption. His angry recordings and videos posted to the Telegram messaging network cast top military and Kremlin officials as unaware and uncaring of the struggles of regular Russian soldiers.

So far, Putin has not reined in Prigozhin, even as his security forces have jailed or fined thousands of Russians for criticizing the military or opposing the war. Some people who know Putin have said they believe that he still sees Prigozhin as a loyal servant applying needed pressure on a sprawling military apparatus. Others theorize that the Kremlin has orchestrated Prigozhin’s tirades against Shoigu, the defence minister, to deflect blame from Putin himself.

But Friday’s statements complicated the picture, with Prigozhin going after not just Shoigu but also unnamed “oligarchs” around Putin, while casting the entire official rhetoric around the invasion as a sham. He said there was “nothing out of the ordinary” in Ukraine’s military posture on the eve of the February 2022 invasion — challenging the Kremlin’s justification that Ukraine was on the verge of attacking Russian-backed separatist territory in Ukraine’s east.

“Our holy war with those who offend the Russian people, with those who are trying to humiliate them, has turned into a racket,” he said.

Prigozhin also asserted in his video that Ukraine’s counteroffensive to gain back territory was going much more poorly for Russia than the government was letting on. On Telegram, pro-war commentators quickly pushed back against that claim, including Igor Girkin, a former paramilitary commander who himself has often criticized Russia’s top brass.

“Prigozhin already should have been handed over to a military tribunal for many things,” Girkin wrote. “Now also for treason.”

(Published 24 June 2023, 02:10 IST)