Young woman rescued from rubble 248 hours after earthquakeThe state broadcaster TRT Haber reported the rescue on Thursday
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The uncle of Aleyna Olmez (C), reacts after the 17-year-old woman was rescued from a collapsed building, 248 hours after the 7.8-magnitude earthquake in Kahramanmaras, Turkey. Credit: AFP Photo
The uncle of Aleyna Olmez (C), reacts after the 17-year-old woman was rescued from a collapsed building, 248 hours after the 7.8-magnitude earthquake in Kahramanmaras, Turkey. Credit: AFP Photo

A 17-year-old woman, identified as Aleyna Olmez, was rescued on Thursday from the rubble of a building that collapsed in the southern central province of Kahramanmaras, 248 hours after a massive earthquake struck the country and neighbouring Syria, killing more than 40,000 people so far.

The state broadcaster TRT Haber reported the rescue on Thursday.

(Published 16 February 2023, 16:28 IST)